Summer nights were meant for . . .

Jul 27, 2007 | The Marlowes

And you thought I was going to say love. Heck no! Summer evenings are for finding quick fix dinners so you can get out and enjoy yourself. And when the kitchen and house are hot, the last thing you want to do is turn on the oven and rev up the stove. Well this is my favorite summer meal, please I can pull a portion of the ingredients out of my garden.

Tomato & Basil Linguine

1 large wedge of brie
3 large roma tomatoes, chopped
handful of basil, leaves washed and sliced into thin slivers
3 cloves of garlic, minced
1/4-1/2 cup of olive oil
Salt & Pepper
Linguine or Fettucine, your choice

Trim the rind from the brie and tear the cheese into bite size pieces. Mix together all the ingredients, stirring in the olive oil a little at a time until it looks like enough (you’ll know.) Add salt and pepper to taste. Now let this sit on the counter for an hour or two. Two is best, but one will do the trick. Cook the pasta, drain it from the water and return it to the pot. Dump the brie/tomato/basil mixture into the hot pasta and stir. Then cover the pot back up and let it sit for 5-10 minutes, and then stir again before serving.

Actually this is very romantic meal. Add some candles, dine al fresco, send the kids on an overnight.

What is your favorite quick summer meal?


  1. Christina Arbini

    E, that actually sounds very good! I’m going to have to try it soon. πŸ™‚


  2. Michelle Johnson

    OHH, brie and past? never thought of that…

  3. Elizabeth

    Michelle, it was one of those recipes that you look at and think–would that really work? And it does! Between the brie and the olive oil, they melt into a smooth garlicky sauce that is wonderful. If you like brie and even if it isn’t your favorite (which my mom doesn’t like brie, but she liked this recipe) you’ll love it.

  4. gillian

    Oh man, now I’m hungry.

    Our favorite fix–toss chicken tenders in any rub or seasoning shake, grill, and serve along side pea salad (cold cooked peas, sugar or Splenda, chopped onion, shredded cheddar cheese, tossed w/real mayo) , a good loaf of sourdough and real butter, and bruchetta (just toss a can of drained chopped tomatoes if you don’t have fresh with olive oil, basil, garlic). And a bottle of wine. πŸ™‚

    Ok, now I’m really really hungry.

  5. Keira Soleore

    Looks very tasty. Brie…Hm, very unusual. That has my taste buds perking up. Other than a pinot grigio, any other white wine recommendations? Thanks!

  6. AndreaW

    A quick easy meal? Elizabeth, you just made my day! πŸ˜‰

  7. Patti

    I have a picnic coming up for my granddaughter’s 1st birthday–looks like a great side to try out! Thanks!

  8. Elizabeth

    Keira, the pinot grigio sounds perfect. I mean, why look elsewhere?

    Hey all, let me know if you try this and how you liked it!

  9. Haven Rich

    A quick meal that kids like (if they like tuna):

    Lipton Alfredo noodles with broccoli, two bags for family of four or more.

    1 can of drained tune per bag.

    Cook noodles as stated on the back of the bag in the microwave. If cooking two bags worth, double the time (and all other added in ingredients).

    With about 5-7 minutes remaining on the microwave timer, mix in drained tuna.

    Serve as many dish with Ritz Crackers.

    Other mix-ins: Add white rice for a bit of a mix-up. Or cheat and buy the Alfredo noodles that come with rice lol. This also works with canned chicken.

    Possible sides: steamed veggies.

  10. Haven Rich

    Oops thats suppose to read Main Dish, not Many lol.

  11. Crystal

    I just bought the ingredients for the pasta. I will try and make it tomorrow, it sounds really good.

  12. Mo Boylan

    quick summer meal is hamburgers with potato and/or macaroni salad LOL


  13. Mad

    Not a summer meal, per se, but my girls love stuffed grape leaves and would eat it every day if I made it…which I don’t because it takes me FOREVER to prepare yet it’s gone the fastest…go figure! LOL

  14. Lee

    I’m going to echo everyone’s comments and say yes, that does sound wonderful! I’m going to give it a try and see how it turns out. πŸ™‚

  15. Elizabeth

    So? Did anyone try this out?

  16. Crystal

    I just tried the pasta recipe last night and it was really good. Thanks for posting it, Elizbo. My husband tasted it before I did and tried telling me that it wasn’t very good so HE would eat it all. lol. I think we’ll be making more of it very soon since he claimed all the leftovers to take for lunch today.

  17. gillian

    We did this with creamy smoked mozzarella; I should have bought the brie, but the other was on sale. It was delicious!



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