Gotta Share

Feb 7, 2008 | This & That

Read Christina Arbini’s blog yesterday and spent a good thirty minutes afterward laughing my ashes off.  Go check it out.


  1. Christina Arbini

    LOL, Elizabeth! “Laughting my ashes off!” Ha! Hey, thanks for the blog plug! Glad I can use my unfortunate experiences to entertain others. At least I know they’re not wasted moments. 🙂


  2. Elizabeth

    I did like the wine down the boobs. Only you!

  3. Christina Arbini

    And with it being blessed wine, I feel kind of sacrilege at the thought of my bra sitting in my dirty clothes basket as we speak. Should I leave it as is? Should I build a shrine around the bra and light a candle every night? Will I get a black strike against me for washing it off? Am I racking up those strikes the longer I continue to make fun of this little situation? LOL! I know what is done when you accidentally drop your Host, but what about your wine? Hmm, good thing no on else seemed to really notice. Now THAT “assisted” clean up would have been really embarrassing! 😉


  4. therese

    This is all too fun and sooo real!

    It’s a good thing God has a sense of humor, no sin laughing about wine in the bra or building a shrine around it before washing.

  5. Keira Soleore

    Christina, that was absolutely hilarious!!!! And matter-of-fact, too.



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