Again, Gotta Share . . .

Feb 13, 2008 | This & That

English Invasion. Read all about it. And this time there will be no dumping the stuff in the harbor, not at this price. But make sure you scroll through the comments to see what SFC of  Manchester had to say about our generally barbarous treatment of tea.  I had to laugh.  Hope you do too!


  1. Haven Rich

    I really like white tea (with raspberry). I honestly can’t handle dark teas as they always leave me with a bad stomach ache. Thank goodness white tea doesn’t!

    Umm, just thought I’d mention it haha.

  2. Keira Soleore

    Good one!! No dumping tea anywhere other than in me. These days, I’m loving the British Typhoo tea.

  3. Jackie

    Southern born and bred it’s ice tea all the way for me!

  4. ally

    I’m a bit odd I’ve liked the darker and bitter teas since I was 6

  5. Princess Bumblebee

    Hey, Elizabeth. I read LLFAD for the first time and loved it! I cracked up at the part when he fell on the ice and she thought he was dead! Hilarious!
    My heroes weren’t fake or actors or even Presidents. In fact, my one great hero was not even human. First of all, before I tell you, I grew up helping my uncle with his Thoroughbred racehorses. I grew up cutting my teeth on horseshoes and wishing they were from Seabiscuit or Seattle Slew. So, naturally, my hero was…drum roll, please… the great Man O’ War, considered THE greatest racehorse who ever lived.
    Quirky, I know, but that’s the way it is.



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