To celebrate the release of Memoirs of a Scandalous Red Dress, I’ve got a huge stack of autographed bookplates to send your way (as if my wrist wasn’t sore enough) but I wanted to make sure as many of you got at least a bookplate, if you can’t get your hands on a signed book.

All you have to do is send me a self-addressed address envelope and I’ll fill it with as many bookplates as you would like, and then I’ll stick on the postage. Get it to me ASAP and you could give Mom, a special Aunt, or someone who might as well be Mom, an autographed book for Mother’s Day. Or just fill your shelves with signed books. Or both.

Send an envelope with your address on it to:

Elizabeth Boyle
PO Box 47252
Seattle, WA 98146

Then I’ll put one of my house elves to work stuffing it full of goodies. The nice part of having kids who like video games—you bribe them to do anything while you dangle the latest DS game over their head. Hope you enjoy this fun freebie.

PS: Thanks to everyone who’s been sending email and leaving comments. I’ve had to cancel my appearance on Saturday, May 2nd at the KCLS Romance Extravaganza for health reasons. Dr. wants me in bed and not out and about. I’ll be fine in a week or so. In fact he’d be ticked to know I was blogging. But I’ve missed ya’ll. Enjoy the book and I’ll be back before you know it.


  1. Keira Soleore

    Oh dear, Oh dear, O NOES!!! I’m so sorry you’re feeling so poorly that you’re on bed rest. Take care of yourself, and you can be sure, I’ll be sending a SASE to you for your signed bookplates and bookmarks.

  2. Keira Soleore

    Dr. wants me in bed

    Not quite what you wanted to say there, eh? πŸ™‚

  3. Elaine Carlini-Davis

    Dear Elizabeth,
    I’m sorry to hear you’re not well. Hope you perk up soon. Are your bookplates specifically for “Confessions…”? I have all fifteen of your books, but the only signed one is “Brazen Angel” which you sent me last November. πŸ™‚ I picked up “Memoirs…” Friday night and hope to read it this week.
    Be well.

  4. terri

    A doc wants you in bed and would be ticked you’re blogging. Interesting images. Is blogging in bed OK?

    Seriously, follow docs orders, rest, refresh, get TLC and let the house elves do for you.

  5. Diane O

    Hi Elizbo,

    Donna just left yesterday — took her to the airport in Sydney a 3-hour drive there and a 3-hour drive back, with a stop at IKEA and Outback Steakhouse on the way back. I started the book last night before I faded away. It’s good! I’m looking forward to going home at a decent hour so I can get back to it.

    I’m glad you enjoyed The Women (1939). Check out my 1949 movie choice, “A Letter to 3 Wives.” Not a comedy, but another look at women of the era and their interaction. My 1959 choice is “Imitation of Life” a classic 50’s melodrama and the May movie is 1969’s “Love Story,” which doesn’t quite fill my criteria that it be about women, but when Jenny works a teaching job instead of finishing her education in order to send her husband to law school — that part is true to life of the time.

    I hope you’re feeling better soon! I’m looking forward to finishing the book and for Pippin and Dash’s story…

  6. Jamie

    Hope you are feeling better soon! Mom and I both have a small stomach virus. The good news is that I lost five pounds. Keep thinking positive and get a lot of fluids! Big Hugs to ya!

  7. Kathryn

    I want to thank you for all the wonderful books that you’ve produced. I love reading them, and am so happy that I can take them with me in e-book format as well. (I love my printed copies, but when travelling, I prefer the e-books for less weight to carry.)

    Thank you again.

  8. LynneW

    Feel better soon!

  9. Laura

    Awesome Elizabeth! Except an envelope from me soon. πŸ™‚

  10. Laura

    Sorry, that should be EXPECT.

  11. dorotha

    So sorry your feeling poorly:-( Just wanted to let you know you have given me many hours of enjoyment reading your books. I’ve got “Black Gown” &”Red Dress” ordered and waiting waiting waiting…
    Thanks again:-)

  12. Alexandra

    Just got Pippin’s book — I can’t wait to start reading!!

    Random question, are you going to be releasing a Marlowe book this year? I am excited about Griffin’s story but I couldn’t find anything on the website on when a new book was coming out…

  13. Snookie Mello

    Read both Tally’s and Pippin’s books this weekend… all I can say is WOW, so glad I found them both πŸ™‚ Was a little sad that Pippin and Dash had to wait so long for their HEA… but the story was well-written and held my interest to the end as did Tally’s story and the Duchess’ story (which I read a while ago). Can’t wait for John and Molly’s story …is there going to be one? there was good start to it in the last chapter πŸ™‚

    I love your character dialogs and feisty heroine’s!

  14. Jane Squires

    Sorry to hear you are ill. I know how that is as I have a serious UTI and did not realize the severe stomach cramps I’ve had were 3 weeks were part of it. So I know it is hard to not sit at computer regardless of how you feel.
    Father I come to you right now for Elizabeth Boyle. I pray a healing touch upon her body and that health flow through her. In Jesus name, Amen
    I don’t know what is going on with you but God does.

  15. Sarah

    Sorry to hear that you aren’t feeling well, hopefully it is just a bug and not something too serious. (I was also glad someone else wanted a Marlowe book.)

    1. Has he been drinking all that time?
    2. Will we learn more about Pippin’s marriage to Brent in later books?
    3. As with Snookie Mello, do John and Molly get a story? Will that be part of the second set of Chronicles? Does Nate get a story – he sounds really cute. and Finn…does he grow up to be his own hero in the future?
    4. Does the second set of Chronicles take place in/around 1814 or will it jump to taking place in/around 1837?

  16. Tracy M.

    Best Wishes for a fast recovery Elizabeth.

  17. Laura

    Hi Elizabeth!

    I made a special trip to the post office today just to mail off my envelope. πŸ˜‰

    I hope you are feeling better!


  18. Jamie

    When I got home from work today, I was surprised that I got my package from Amazon. I have read half of it all ready and have run through a medley of emotions. You outdid yourself on this book. It is everything I would want out of Pippin and Dash’s romance and so much more!

    I will be sending out for that book plate. πŸ˜€

  19. Lily

    I hope that you are feeling better. If you are looking for a diversion, there is a show called “Voyage of the Courtesans” on PBS (Wed at 8pm)… I finished your book in one night and it was brilliant! I cannot wait for the next one! When will you write about the Marlowes again?! Soon I hope!

  20. Elizabeth

    HI all! Thank you so much for all your kind words and prayers and good thoughts. Just a quick note to say I am on the slow mend. Gads, I’ve never been this sick before. But all your kindness makes me smile.

    Lot’s of questions here which I will use for upcoming blogs.

  21. Laura

    I picked up Confessions of a Little Black Gown at the library today, and I’m on the waiting list for Red Dress. I’m happy my library has them! I’m sure you’d rather I buy them, but I’m trying to save money, so the library it is. πŸ˜‰

  22. Elizabeth

    Laura, I am a firm supporter of libraries and using them. And besides, the library bought their copy. πŸ™‚

  23. Laura

    “And besides, the library bought their copy.”

    LOL! I didn’t think of that. I suppose the library does have to pay for their materials. I feel better now. πŸ™‚

  24. Sharanda

    Feel better soon!! I picked up Memories on Saturday and couldn’t put it down!! It was awesome! Thank you so much for the great reads!!

  25. Laura


    I received my bookplates and bookmarks today. Thank you!! I love them! πŸ˜€ I wasn’t expecting them to arrive so fast, so that was a nice bonus too.

    Take care, and I hope you’re feeling better!




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