Wow! One, I can’t believe all the nice things you’ve all said, your kind thoughts, the prayers, because I’ve felt the love, most certainly. Nice to know there are so many people out there who care, especially for someone you’ve never met. So thank you. I wish I could say I am popping back up and right back at full speed, but I am having a heck of a time getting over this bug. And now the little one has it, so here I go again.

I’ve had to yield my spot on the couch, and put on my Nurse Mom hat. And worse, I am off to Orlando on Wednesday for a librarian’s conference and then the booksigning in Clearwater, FL on Saturday, so I will have to pass the hat to the DH. At least he’s got experience with this, he was my hero last week. But still, the mom-guilt is there.

I did get my contest packs together for the April contest and the winners are:

  •  Gladys P. of Houston, TX
  • Monicke B. of Baton Rouge, LA
  • Cynthia P. of Mooresville, IN
  • Sandy M. of Logansport, IN
  • Lori P. of Hamlet, NC
  • Naomi C. of Yuma, AZ
  • Luisa D. of Staten Island, NY
  • Jane S. of Wasola, MO
  • Lois M. of Perth Amboy, NJ
  • Laurie T. of Burleson, TX

If you are a winner, watch your mail.  If not, enter for this month’s pack over on my Contest page.

Sorry if you’ve written me and I haven’t written back-who would have thought that Pippin and Dash’s story would generate so much email and chatter! Boy, folks are really passionate about this story. Do write me if you have something to say, but remember, I’m a little behind right now . . . in many ways. 🙂


  1. Laura

    Congrats to the winners!

    Have fun in Florida, Elizabeth! DH will take care of the kiddies fine. 😉

  2. Sarah Tormey

    Have a great time in Florida! I’d love to hear about your experience at the Librarian’s conference when you return. One of the many hats I used to wear when working for RH included library sales and marketing. And sometimes I dearly miss those conferences!

  3. Diane O'neal

    Take care of yourself on your trip — get plenty of rest. It’s cool, clear and very fall-like in Australia. I think I was Thanksgiving food — it just seems right.

  4. Emily Cotler

    So glad you are on the mend, Elizabeth!

  5. Caffey

    Congrats to all the winners! Elizabeth, you continue to get better! Happy Mother’s Day!

  6. Jamie

    Happy Mother’s Day to you! 😀



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