Twinkle, Twinkle, I'm on Twitter

May 16, 2011 | Around the Web, Friends, Giveaways, Freebies, & Contests, Good News

I’ve been twittered. Or at least I’ve dipped my toe in and have given it a try. I feel so . . . connected and a little baffled and a lot overwhelmed by the feeds. Who to follow? What are the rules? What are the social niceties that one must follow so that one does not upset or insult anyone? Which being me, won’t be all that hard NOT to do.

I blame Liza Palmer (@LizaPalmer) and Megan Crane (@megancrane) (who also writes as Caitlin Crews) entirely for this situation. When I was down in LA for the Romantic Times conference, they took me out to dinner, forced me to eat way too much food, as well as second dessert, and then, when I was in a food induced, pushed-over-the-edge-by-too-much-chocolate hangover, they convinced me that I couldn’t live without Twitter. More like browbeat. The peer pressure was too much. I caved like a souffle. Albeit it, a really good chocolate one.

So what have I learned from being on Twitter?

1) Well, it is an entirely new language. Full of #marks, RT (which means Retweet, aka a forward, not Romantic Times—which is totally an honest mistake if you spend the first three days on Twitter wondering why everyone is plugging Romantic Times.)

2) That you can truly waste a lot of time wondering what is going to roll up next in the feed and also that if you live on the West coast, that on Tuesdays you shouldn’t go on Twitter after 5 pm, unless you like having a new episode of Glee spoiled by all the East coasters tweeting their opinions of said episode, #whichIhaven’tseen. Same goes for during the day when All My Children and One Life to Life are playing any where east of northern Idaho.

3) That, like Facebook, Twitter opens you up to a new a much bigger world of connectivity. I have met some interesting new people, hooked up with some old friends—waving at former Dell author and talented writer, Shelly Thacker (@shellythacker)—as well as communicated and shared tweets with famous folks I never thought to “meet.” I’ve also happened upon some news pieces and business news that would probably have never passed my radar before Twitter.

All in all, I’ve enjoyed meeting other Austen aficionados, knitting addicts, and of course, lovers of books and especially romance novels. I love the quirky humor of my fellow romance authors (@KatharineAshe and @TessaDare) and love peeking into the lives of others. Therefore, if you are so inclined, and are not easily insulted, and most of all, will humor my missteps and odd tweets, I invite you to follow me, @ElizBoyle.

Now to make it more fun, I want to hear about your adventures or non-adventures with Twitter and to sweeten the pot, I am giving away a bag of books to one lucky commenter, tweeter or otherwise lucky person.

CONTEST Guidelines and Rules:

Three ways to enter:
1) Leave a comment here on my blog with either your Twitter handle or on why (and more importantly, HOW) you have avoided Twitter. (If you are reading this on Facebook, pop over to this post on my blog, because Facebook has gotten all stinky about contests, so entries can only done at my website.)
2) Follow me on Twitter and then make the following tweet:

I just entered to #win a bag of romance books from @ElizBoyle! #AndILoveToWin. You can enter at

3) Do both and you’re entered twice!

Enter before May 20th, midnight PDT and I will announce a winner in my Saturday, May 21st blog. Check back to discover if you’ve won and contact me before Saturday May, 29th to claim your prize.


  1. Lois M.

    Hi! πŸ™‚ I’m OV_099, and yep, already been following you. πŸ™‚ Once upon a time, I wasn’t going to do anything with Twitter, but then a favorite reporter on CNN left, and the only apparent way at that time to follow his news (to see if he was going anywhere else) was on Twitter. But then after a while, I started following others, and more, and more, and well, there you go. I got into Facebook afterwards, there, didn’t want anything to do with it, but I got sick and tired of getting links to things that I couldn’t see because I wasn’t a member. Oh well. LOL


    • Elizabeth

      I am finding all kinds of people who love one or another. I think it depends on what appeals to you.

  2. Sarah

    I’m following you as @brazenbookworm!

    I don’t think I’d have Twitter if I didn’t use it for my blog. I avoided it for so long…and now I’m kind of addicted! However, it’s such a fantastic way to find news stories, cool links, and general human interest stuff. My favorite person to follow (other than you, of course πŸ˜‰ is Steven Colbert. Hysterical! Thanks for the giveaway!

    • Elizabeth

      Love Stephen Colbert. He totally cracks me up. I do think Twitter is a fun way to find all kinds of news stories and such. Thanks for following me!

  3. Wanda Berry

    I don’t know about blogging or twittering and I don’t really care. Never tried it and don’t really want to, my mind doesn’t hold a lot of room for this knowledge. I do love to read and I love to read your books. I don’t feel hopeful about winning this but I wanted to try. Keep writing and I’ll keep reading. One of your devoted readers, Wanda Berry

    • Elizabeth

      Wanda, I don’t think it matters whether you jump in or not–I think what is important to know what you love and it sounds like you do. Best wishes for tons of great reads!

  4. Wendy Ttranah

    I’m like you i just started twitter and still trying to learn what it is all about but so far I’m having fun and meeting new people I like listening to my authors and what they have to say and new books that are coming out.

    I think my handle is:

    • Elizabeth

      Wendy, I’m with you on the learning curve and I LOVE eavesdropping on people so Twitter is like my own personal table at the chattiest cafe.

  5. Ren Puspita

    I just follow you at twitter as @r3n87, and welcome to Twitter world! LOL

    I avoided Twitter for long. I already have my FB account,when this Twitter hype begin, and I don’t have a need to make account, so I decline until I’m graduated from college. Then, I graduate, make twitter account, and become addictive to twitter. I can know about author news, a new release and contest πŸ™‚
    Thanks for the giveaway

    • Elizabeth

      It is so addictive! And so much fun. And congrats on graduating!

  6. alisha woods

    i know I am so mad at facebook doing this about the contest who is it hurting. Love all your books.

    • Elizabeth

      Well, Facebook is sort of shooting themselves in the foot on this one, but it will all work out. We authors are resourceful folks–and we like our giveaways!

  7. Sue P.

    Just getting used to using Facebook. Twitter scares the crap out of me, so can’t imagine delving in there too soon. But hope you and all my other fav authors will continue to run your contests. They are great! (even though I haven’t won yet! I can always hope!)

    • Elizabeth

      I was the same way–scared spitless! And it still sort of intimidates me, but I had no choice but to wade in. I’m the one with the water wings.

  8. susan knight

    I am not on twitter. I love FB, but enough is enough. I don’t have time. I’d rather be reading!

    • Elizabeth

      I know! My reading time keeps getting carved into. Enough already.

  9. Stephana

    On Twitter – I am stephanababbit, however I rarely get on Twitter. I think it feels disconnected to me because there are so many things happening!!! And I do not know all the ins and outs!

    • Elizabeth

      I have noticed that feeling of disconnect on Twitter–and there is so much at times in the feeds that I start to feel overwhelmed. Trying to find the balance.

  10. Nathalie

    My handle is @NLauwen and I’ve been following you for a while (and enjoying your tweets).

    I’ve been on Twitter for about 2 years now. Lots of fun stuff, news, info, etc to be found on Twitter. Since I’m insatiably curious Twitter is a great place for me, a place I visit several times a day. One might say I’m addicted πŸ˜‰
    It’s also a great way to stay in touch with friends.

    • Elizabeth

      I am learning that–I’ve reconnected with some old friends and that part is so cool.

  11. Skylar Kade

    I’m @skylarkade and I actually don’t avoid twitter…unless I need to get writing done! Then I use the laptop without tweetdeck.

  12. Kati R

    Twitter has allowed me to connect with some of my favorite authors,new friends and the occasional spam bot.
    I suppose I must watch what words I use in my tweets. I have followers who urge me to enhance a certain part of my body, which, anatomically, is impossible since I do not possess that appendage. At one point, I had Dominos of Denver following me. Um, I live in California and I’m pretty sure they don’t deliver all the way out here.

    Welcome to the Twitterverse Ms. Boyle!


  13. Katie W

    Twitter took me a WHILE to get used to…but it’s all trial and error! Now I can’t get enough of it and it’s so much fun to talk to all kinds of people you would normally never be able to interact with (authors).

    I love it!

    Katie W

  14. Dottie Legatos

    I have gone as far as downloading the app on my I-phone & I-Pad. From there I am clueless. I don’t have a name or anything. Luckily my dauthter came home from college for the summer, and I need to have her help me. Hopefully before your deadline. Wish me luck!!

  15. Diana Gould

    Not a fan of twitter – I like FB and visiting authors websites.

  16. Jessica

    My handle is @wispofacloud and I am now following you.

    I started because I felt it would be a good experiment for a library school student.

  17. Diane P. Diamond

    I rejoined Twitter because I was annoyed at Facebook for eliminating contests. Like you Elizabeth, I’m still trying to find my way around it. I hate the fact that we are limited to only so many characters.

    I have retweeted about your contest and, I’m already a fan of your’s on Facebook and now Twitter.

    @englishmeadows (Twitter handle)

  18. Keira

    I’m @reviewromance

    I got into Twitter as a way to connect outside of my blog with readers, authors, and bloggers. Mostly I share things that I find interesting about romance novels, but quotes, chatting, and other random things are involved too. lol πŸ™‚

  19. Dawn

    Drmgrl99dawn is my twitter name πŸ™‚
    I have always avoided twitter at all costs but when I was at RT – romantic times convention in La, I realized I was missing out big time and stuff that was going on. So needless to say I’m now on twitter thanks to some of my favorite authors who were kind enough to sit and give tweeting lessons πŸ™‚

    • Elizabeth

      Dawn, we had the same experience at Romantic Times. Can you imagine what sort of things we’ll be peer pressured into at Chicago?

  20. June M.

    I am following you as JuneAnnM

    I basically just use twitter for contests. There are just too many tweets to try to read them all, I would never have time to read books!

    • Elizabeth

      That kinda occurred to me too–Geez, I could be using this time to read!

  21. Rosie

    Twitter is fun…
    I can haiku, write a film review and rhyme in 140 characters! Play guessing games through crazy # although this can lead to a couple of sticky patches in twitter jail!!!
    I follow my favourite authors and retailers to find out when they have promotions for new products.
    I can interact with other twitfans when watching reality shows or awards ceremonies- mainly to chat about the clothes worn on the red carpet. This crosses international barriers- just means I have to stay awake 24.7!!!
    Twitter is amazing for breaking news- you find it all out first right here…
    I’m a twittered up!
    … I’m following you and I’ve rt’d your tweet

  22. Winnie P

    I signed up for a twitter @winiep, but I got totally freaked out when someone who looked like a spammer immediately started following me. I blocked that person and set my account to private for now, until I figure how to use this twitterverse.

  23. Hvitveis


    I am one of the unenlightened, possibly because I asociate twitter with fancy “new” cell phones that do not enter into my use-it-until-it-dies principles (and budget) and alas, my oldfashioned Nokia is hanging on for the moment.
    And I remember what I did for two straight months after getting on Facebook: Hunting Eastereggs. I shudder to think what I’ll do the day I become a twitterer, and for how long when there are actual conversations to follow and cool news….

    counting the days to Lord LAngley!

  24. Fifie aka Nurul Akmal Zainuddin

    Hello. I’m @crazywildberry (the picture of mine trying to imitate the autism logo) Anyway, I guess the reason why I use Twitter is because nobody who knows me personally use Twitter so if I have something that I want to shout out but I dont want any who know me know about it, I put it in Twitter. Until now, I haven’t mastered the language of Twitter yet although I’ve registered quite a long time ago. I still prefer FB but now as FB is blocking the contests and Friendster and Myspace not that popular among my friends, I think I have to learn Twitter whether I like it or not. Of course I do use Twitter to read about people I like like authors, artists and M&M Green and Cookie Monster and cooks. guess I do like Twitter… hehe

  25. Sarie Grobler


    I opened my twitter account a while ago but I really never used it until recently when I started following my favorite autors, now I am check my feeds a couple of times a day. I am still very new to this and also on the water wings but I was an instant addict when I got my first follower.
    I have been following you as @wolfswan1, and although I am not much into knitting I love your tweets.

  26. Laura T

    I don’t “tweet” but I do follow a lot of my favorite authors on Twitter, Facebook and blogs.

  27. tami

    my twitter name is hippy79 and i already follow you.

  28. sherene

    my twitter is utunicorn

  29. infinitieh

    I already follow you (@infinitieh). I like connecting with authors, fellow readers, and fans of Paul Marron. πŸ˜‰

  30. alisha woods

    my twitter name is regencygirl01
    I am new to twitter, so haven’t done much with it.

  31. gamistress66

    So far I’ve avoided twitter (haven’t been on facebook that long — what can I say, I’m not quite that young to get all the new tech crazes) πŸ™‚ may have to breakdown eventually and join, but am holding off for now to make sure it sticks πŸ˜‰

  32. Vikki Wright

    I am on twitter and am following you already. It’s a love/hate relationship. I love /hate to waste time on twitter!

  33. Laura

    I just like to win. I don’t twitter – not enough time in my life. I do make time to read your books!

  34. Molly

    I’m either ladycate (personal) or mollymaka (writer) on Twitter. I already follow you. πŸ™‚

  35. Kathryn

    I don’t Twitter and I barely Facebook, as I’m still living in a world without a smartphone… and I work where Twitter and Facebook are blocked, so no lunch time checking there… and with three children under 6 years old, well, focusing on them is more important than being online. Picking up one of my favorite authors in book form prior to dropping off to sleep, or being able to check their website while at work since author websites haven’t been blocked is my way of keeping up with everything. (Not to mention all the wonderful authors that send out their newsletters to email boxes…)


  1. Lord Langley ~ Regency SEAL? | Elizabeth Boyle Blog - [...] CONTEST WINNER And just in case you wanted to know–the winner of the Monday, May 16th Twitter blog contest…



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