Five Things About Blythe Gifford

Sep 22, 2011 | Friends

I met Blythe a little over a year ago at the RomCon conference and found her a delightful authorly companion to share a table with. And then I read her book and loved it, so it was only natural that I would want to share that table with all of you and let you get to know Blythe Gifford:

1) Favorite indulgence:  Miss Meringue Cappuccino Classiques.  My local
store no longer carries them so I order them shipped to me a carton of a dozen at a time. But they have no fat, so that makes total sense, right?

EB: Blythe—have you met Katharine Ashe? I think you two were sisters separated at birth. She’s a cookie fanatic as well.

2) The last book you read:  Ravishing in Red, by Madeline Hunter.  I know, I
know, it’s a 2010 release.  I’m a little behind on my TBR pile.  Once you are published, you can barely keep up with the releases from your friends!

EB: So very true!

3) Favorite place to shop online:  Amazon.  I’ve got the app on my iPhone. Seriously.

EB: Really? There’s an app for that??? Oh, the evil things I learn from my friends. LOL

4) If you could go on a date with one of your heroes, which one and why? Uh, I already have, but I’m not telling you which one, when, or what happened.

5) Secret passion:  I’m a closet fashionista, but since I spend my days in pajama pants in front of the computer screen, it manifests itself in a nail polish addiction.  (After all, digits on deadline should be pampered.) Right now, I’m wearing a deep, creamy teal on my fingers and bright red on my toes.

Isn’t this cover just wonderful? I so had love at first sight with this cover. You can get a copy of His Border Bride (print or ebook), and learn more about Blythe’s upcoming new trilogy, set on the Scottish Borders by visiting her website,


  1. Blythe Gifford

    We did have fun at RomCon, didn’t we? And yes, the cover is luscious. Which reminds me, it’s time to order Miss Meringues again…

    • Elizabeth

      I’m going to RomCon next summer. Already signed up! You?

      • Blythe Gifford

        I’m on deadline, so thinking about next year just isn’t happening…yet! Hope to!

  2. Pamala Knight


    Thanks to Elizabeth for hosting this awesome and interesting interview about the lovely and talented Blythe Gifford. It’s always a wonderful thing learning little tidbits about favorite authors, right?

    • Elizabeth

      I love having all these folks drop by–and it gives us all new books and new authors to check out. Even as a writer, I am a reader first and foremost and love finding new keepers.

    • Blythe Gifford

      Thanks for coming by Pamala!

  3. infinitieh

    Mmm…. cookies…

    • Elizabeth

      Why is it all my friends LOVE cookies? They constantly make me hungry.

      • Blythe Gifford

        But meringues aren’t really cookies. Not exactly.

  4. Eliza Evans

    Okay, now I’m dying to know the story behind #4.

    • Blythe Gifford

      Never! My lips are sealed!

  5. Morgan Mandel

    And we must not forget your addiction to wearing turquoise. I do agree the cover art for His Border Bride is fantastic, as is it’s author!
    Morgan Mandel

    • Blythe Gifford

      Awww. You are so sweet! Thanks.



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