Well, get her book done. Right now I am in the home stretch of finishing a book and there is chorus going round the house right now is “When my book is done—”. I don’t think I can compose the strident tone or the aggravated, please don’t bother me AGAIN notes that come with along with that statement, but they are not the only ones who are being put off as I log more hours than I care to count in front of my computer.
Hey, boys, I’ve been putting off all kinds of things that I want to get going on (not just your requests) including:
- Planting my spring bulbs
- Learn to crochet a hexagon (following this tutorial: Hexagon How-To)
- Clean up my office
- Read about 2 dozen books in my TBR (CJ Sansom’s Revelation, anyone?)
- Write the workshops that I will be giving next month
Fun things. Interesting things. Things that will replenish the creative well (even the cleaning part) and get me ready for the book to follow Along Came a Duke. Which already has a name . . . But you will have to wait to find that out, (right along with the child who wants me to take him clothes shopping, and the other one who wants me to get him registered at the Y) just like I have to wait to get to my To Be Done list.
What’s on your “If I Wasn’t Up to My Neck in _______, I Would be Doing _______” list?
I’ve been deliberately trying to simplify my life so I am not up to my neck in stuff I need to get done since I work full time and that takes up a great part of my week.
Soooo, if I weren’t so tired after working all day, I would be doing the following:
Halloween costumes – I have requests from my daughters for a cat costume and a western dress and am hoping to make a Steampunk Victorian costume as well. This is quite ambitious for the amount of time left before Halloween.
Reading – that is a given
Singing practice – I am resisting this one for some reason, perhaps because I have to keep a journal of said practices and it makes it sound more like work.
House cleaning and mail – that never seems to end or get done…..
Oh and I have a presentation to put together showing highlights from a fundraising event that was held a couple of weeks ago.
If I wasn’t up to my neck in schoolwork I would be:
–going to the beach
–reading for fun
–cleaning the house and getting some laundry done!
If I weren’t being chased by a deadline, I’d be doing laundry!