We Interrupt This Blog

Oct 6, 2011 | Adventures & Travel, Good News

Yes, yes, I’ve been a wee bit slow in posting. Only because I am trying to get my book done and it is consuming all my time. All My Time. But I had a quick few minutes between shuffling kids to school, so I thought I would remind folks that I have several Events coming up in the next few weeks.

I’ll be in Surrey, British Columbia, up in Canada in two weeks and then at the Emerald City Writer’s Conference (Bellevue, Washington) the last weekend of the month. Both conferences have booksignings that are open to the public and the details for all this including links are on my Events page.

And 2012 is shaping up to be the year of the travel. Just don’t tell my husband. I am hoping to get at least three,
four months in before he notices I am jetting off every single month. I’m coming to Los Angeles in February, Philidelphia in March, Hawaii and Baltimore in April, Denver in June, and Anaheim in July. Then I might take a breath and stay home for a bit. You know, and do that writing thing. Okay, don’t tell my husband OR my editor.

Speaking of which, I need to get kids on bus and me back here and finishing up Along Came a Duke. I left my heroine in a bit of a spot and need to nudge the hero to go save her.

So where else am I missing in my travels? Shout out your “Elizabeth, you should come visit ___________!” spot.


  1. Cynthia

    The United Kingdom! How inspirational it would be to start off a day visiting The Tower of London, Hyde Park, Kensington Gardens, followed by a drive out to the country to have lunch at one of the estates. After lunch, drive about to visit more sites and hopefully, just about the time one is ready to collapse, finding a castle with some rooms available in which to spend the night.

    • Elizabeth

      I am always up for a trip to the UK!

    • Beth

      Completly agree come to the UK!! 😀

  2. Patsi K

    OH I better make sure I can get to the Denver event….I need to plan that one out.

    • Elizabeth

      I hope you can make it! Try for the whole conference. RomCon is great fun!

  3. Karen Reece

    Elizabeth, you should come to Robbins, NC. We are a very rural town and extremely small maybe around 1,100 people around town. Only two stop lights, but when disasters happen we gather around each other and help each other out. This is a very unique place to be. Can’t wait for the next book.

    • Elizabeth

      Your town sounds like my kind of place! I’ve never been to NC, but now I know I have to start looking for a reason (besides your kind invite!).

  4. Liz

    you should come to San Diego. We alwyas get bypassed by romance writers and romance conventions. I justlove ur books. I am a huge romance reader. I read a book bout every day. Currently reading about 20+ series right now.

    • Elizabeth

      Actually RWA is holding their national conference in San Diego in 2016. Okay, that’s a long ways off, but we are coming there!

  5. Karen H in NC

    Hi Elizabeth,

    You should come to Garner, NC…home of Scotty McCreery, the new American Idol for 2011! Garner is a suburb of Raleigh…another great place to visit!

  6. Linda McDonald

    San Diego! Not that far from either LA or Anaheim….maybe you could make a stop down here during your Southern Cal stops. And I hope I can make it up to see you. Really want to got to RWA next year!

  7. Tai Smith

    Please can you come to Cincinnati, Ohio? I love your books! I have read all of them except four which includes your Brazen series simply because I cannot find them. Enjoy your travels!



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