Five Things about Candis Terry

Dec 8, 2011 | Friends

I met Candis Terry years ago in rather an odd fashion—I was leaving a conference and she and some other friends of mine were on their way to the airport. Since I live near the airport, I offered them all a ride to save the taxi fees. Filled my minivan with old friends and new and tons of luggage and off we went. So you could say I was her driver before she was “Candis Terry.” Teehee. So without further ado, Five Things About Candis Terry:

1. Did you have a nickname growing up?
Yes, unfortunately it was Mouse. I had an older cousin with the exact same name as mine. She didn’t want to be referred to
as Big Candi so she got to go by the real thing and I got Mouse. Not sure Little Candi would have been any worse.

2. Where is the most beautiful/romantic place you’ve ever been?
Quite honestly, a mountaintop in Idaho. My husband and I had packed a lunch, grabbed a bottle of wine, and jumped on our
ATV to look for a nice picnic spot. We found one where we could see for miles and miles. It was a beautiful sunny day with an
endless blue sky and we were surrounded by lupine, poppies and daisies. For some reason the wine tasted especially good.

3. Do you celebrate when you finish a book and what you do?
Yes, I do celebrate. Even if I’m alone. I make a nice martini and take a nap. I know, I’m so boring.

4. What new authors have you recently added to your TBR pile?
I have two of them. The first may not be new but she’s new to me. Kristina Douglas’ book Raziel and the second is KC Klein’s
Dark Future.

5. If you could go on a date with any superhero, who would you choose and why?
Mighty Mouse. Love the ears.

EB: Really? Didn’t see that one coming. Candis, you should meet Anna Campbell, she has the oddest obsession with big noses.

Candis has a brand new ebook release from Avon Impulse, Any Given Christmas. To find out more about Candis and her stories please visit her website,


  1. Rhiannon Rowland

    I like the nickname Mouse. It’s cute. But probably felt the same way I did about being called Annie!

  2. Stephanie Berget

    Makes you wonder if the nickname has anything to do with Candis’ choice of a superhero. I met Candis at the Emerald City conference with Natasha. I’m about 1/2 way through Sugar Shack and I love it. I can’t wait to read Any Given Christmas



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