Five Things About Katharine Ashe

Mar 1, 2012 | Friends, TV, Movies, & Good Reads

I personally find Katharine Ashe a kick to hang out with. She’s funny, wicked and smart, as well as an unapologetic lover of the genre. Those all count highly in my book. So I would like you to take a moment and enjoy the wit of Katharine Ashe, or as we now call her around here:

1. Did you have a nickname growing up? I went by Katie. My father and one of my sisters called me Kate, which I loved because it was special to them. Also, in second grade when I volunteered to pass out the juice for snack time, a nasty boy called me “Katie Katie the Paper Cup Lady” and it stuck, sometimes morphing to “Katie Katie the Big Fat Lady”, neither of which I loved. Now, Elizabeth, please feel free to give me a paper cut and pour lemon juice on it.

EB: I can do one better and share this photo of you, Sophia Nash, Cathy Maxwell and moi goofing off at RT after copious amounts of cupcakes and whatever was in those bottles.

2. Where is the most beautiful/romantic place you’ve ever been? Kauai in the Hawaiian islands. White sand beaches. Cerulean waves dancing with dolphins. Palm trees swooshing in the warm breeze. Tropical drink in my hand. Three days after wedding my Prince Charming.

3. Do you celebrate when you finish a book and what do you do? I drink champagne. I always drink champagne, so this isn’t really unusual, but it’s still fun! I also weep a little. I love finishing a book and I also hate it. Living through those declarations of love from my hero and heroine just sucks my heart out! (In a good heart-sucking way.) But then having to leave them… knowing I will miss them so much… that’s horrible!!!

4. If you could go on a date with any superhero, who would you choose and why? This is a Very Hard Question. But probably Spiderman. He’s brilliant, funny, and a sexy fighting menace who teases villains as he thrashes them. He pretends to be a big nerd to protect those he loves. He has a secret identity (I adore heroes with secret identities! which is why I write them), and he doesn’t always make the right choices but he always makes up for it.

5. Most embarrassing song on your iPod? Every song Rick Springfield ever recorded. Does that count?

6.  If you were going to an island for a long time, name 5 things you would bring. My husband, son, two dogs, and my laptop to write. Wait, do people and animals count as things? Because if I get to take my beloveds with me anyway, the other four things would be my e-reader all stocked with books, sunblock, chocolate, and warm socks.

Katharine Ashe is the author of four historical romances, including her just released, When a Scot Loves a Lady, the first in her new Falcon Club series. You can discover more about Katharine and her books at her website. Katharine can also be found over on The Ballroom Blog, where she and her fellow Ballroom gang spill Regency gossip about the dashing ladies and lords found in their books.


  1. Mary Anne Landers

    Thank you for the post, Katharine and Elizabeth.

    If I could date any superhero, I’d time-travel back to ancient Greece and get cozy with Hercules. Call me weird, but that’s my idea of a real hero!

    I love Rick Springfield and his music. No need to feel embarrassed about having his songs on your iPod. And anyhow, I refuse to feel guilty about my pleasure.

    If I were going to stay on a desert island for a long time, I’d bring along a prefab hut, plenty of food and water, a computer with really good wireless connection, a handsome beach bum . . . and a for-the-duration supply of birth control pills.

    The best of luck with your new release. Keep up the good work!

    • Katharine Ashe

      Hi, Mary Anne. LOL! I’ve been to Rick Springfield concerts… lately… and I LOVE him. So I mustn’t be ashamed. Your desert island goodies sound a bit more practical than mine, and I do like the addition of a beach bum. 🙂

  2. Katharine Ashe

    Thank you for hosting me here today, Elizabeth. It’s such a pleasure! 🙂

  3. Tracy Brogan

    Katie, I have a character in my next book named Katharine and her hero is the only one who calls her Kate. The rest of the family calls her “Kitty.” But she loves that he calls her that because it makes her feel very grown up. 🙂
    Hope you don’t mind I’m copying a snippet of your life!!

    • Katharine Ashe

      Tracy, that’s lovely! The heroine of my new book is Kitty! I did love it how my dad and sister called me Kate. Reminds me of The Taming of the Shrew. 🙂

  4. Ora

    I can’t wait to read your book this weekend.
    I loved Rick Springfield when I was a teenager. I used to record General Hospital when he was on it.

    • Katharine Ashe

      Ora, I’m so happy to hear you were a Rick Springfield fan. I had posters of him all over my dorm room. Yes, dorm room. I loved him even in college. 🙂 I hope you enjoy the new book!

  5. infinitieh

    Back in the day, I bought a couple of Rick Springfield’s albums because they had his dog on them (which is also how I started reading romances, because of a romance with a dog on the cover).



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