Have You Met, Avon Addict Lisa Lin?

Oct 31, 2014 | TV, Movies, & Good Reads, Avon Addicts, This & That, Friends

LisaLinLisa is everything an Avon Addict needs to be: crazy wild over romance. Plus, she’s willing to get out there and really prove her love, as evidenced by her grand display at the 2013 RWA Literacy signing. She’s a bundle of wonderful energy and one of my favorite people to run into because her smile is infectious. And in a good way, not a scary, run-for-your-life Ebola sort of way.

So without any further ado, may I introduce you to Lisa Lin.

1) Where is the most beautiful/romantic place you’ve ever been? Spain. I took part in a study abroad program the summer before my sophomore year of high school and got to spend 11 days in Spain. We traveled all over the country and got to soak in the history, culture, delicious food, and beautiful scenery and architecture. I am determined to go back someday.

2) What are your top three favorite movies?

  • The American President-I’m a huge fan of Aaron Sorkin’s writing.
  • Casablanca-Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman were pure magic together.
  • The 95 BBC version of Pride and Prejudice with Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle. Watching the mini-series is how I first got introduced to Colin and Jane Austen and will always have a special place in my heart.

3) Favorite Place to read? I love to get comfy on the couch with a good read. I’ve also been known to read in bed and fall asleep that way.

TessaDare4) If you could time travel, what time period would you most like to visit?
I’d love to visit either the Italian Renaissance or the 1940s

5) Name three books on your keeper shelf and why.

  •  Tessa Dare’s A Week To Be Wicked — Laugh out loud funny with hilarious escapades but anchored with so much emotional depth and character growth. Absolutely fantastic.
  • Julia Quinn’s The Viscount Who Loved Me — I love a good battle of the sexes book, and the Pall Mall scene is classic JQ at her best.
  • The MacGregor Grooms. Ian and Naomi are one of my ultimate favorite romance couples. The scene in the library gets to me. Every. Time.

You can find Lisa voraciously tweeting at: @Laforesta1




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