Five Things with Olivia Kelly

Feb 10, 2015 | This & That, Around the Web, Friends, TV, Movies, & Good Reads, Writing

Today bestselling Regency romance author Olivia Kelly has come to visit us, and let us in on five things we probably don’t know about her. Welcome, Olivia!

TLATD silver font1) What is the very first romance novel that you read? Nora Robert’s Montana Sky. Well, that was the first “genre” romance I read. I’d read plenty of romance in the science fiction and fantasy novels I devoured as a teen. It just wasn’t very interesting to me if it didn’t at least have one romance subplot! But my first historical romance was Sabrina Jeffries. I think it was her Royal Brotherhood series, actually. I’m pretty sure Marcus North was my first brush with the “dark, tortured aristocrat with a soft, vulnerable center” hero, and I fell hard. He’s still one of my favorites.

2) If you could be a superhero , power would you choose and why? Hmm. I haven’t thought a lot about this (lies, all of it lies, I totally have), but maybe teletransportation. I’d love to be able to get places anywhere in the world in the blink of an eye. And I’d imagine it would come in handy when beating bad guys. There are ALWAYS bad guys when you have superheroes around. “Every hero needs a villain…”

3) Who are your must-buy authors? Darynda Jones, Claudia Dain, Erin Knightley, Charlotte Stein, Stephan Blackmoore, Julia Quinn, Kevin Hearne, Lisa Kleypas, and Jenna Black. A very random, multi-genre/sub-genre list!

4) If you could choose any 3 people in history to meet, who would they be? The Romanov sisters (I count them as one!), because they intrigue me. They are so beautiful in the pictures, before the executions, but what were they like as people? Spoiled, entitled snobs? Or were they smart, interesting girls, with dreams beyond their station in life? L.M. Montgomery, because she wrote the most lovely, uplifting, heartbreaking stories, with characters that endure well beyond her own lifetime. And lastly, Titanic survivor Molly Brown. She’s most famous for her sense of presence during the time of evacuation on the sinking ship, and credited with saving many lives. But that’s just skimming the surface. She was an early feminist, the very first woman to run for office in the US ever, and ran for the Senate years before woman were even allowed to vote! She was a force to be reckoned with, and I wish I’d met her.

5) Print or ebook? Both! While I love the convenience of being able to buy a new book on my Kindle at 10pm on a Sunday night, something I could never do before ebooks arrived, you will pry my paperbacks out of my cold, dead hands. I love the smell of books, the feel of them, the rustle of the pages as you flip through them. There’s nothing like the smell of an old bookstore, or a library. It gives my heart a happy hiccup. I think you know exactly what I mean…

You can find Olivia on her website, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest!




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