So I should probably warn you, this week’s list might break your TBR. There you are warned. On the good side there is no violence, bad language, or strobe lights in the paragraphs ahead. Just books, some ideas to make your life easier, an awesome salad and a GIVEAWAY.

Have a great 4th of July weekend. And to those of you outside the US, have a great weekend.


Have you heard of Newsletter to Kindle?  This is a service you can sign up for that sends the newsletters you subscribe to directly to your Kindle, so they are right where you like to read. I haven’t tried it yet, but it is on my To Do list.

Let me know if you try it and like it. Or hate it. 😉


Remember how I asked you about your favorite books to reread and your childhood favorites. I should have known you all would flood my inbox with suggestions and stories of books that you LOVE. Of course you did. We are all readers first.

And Five Things reader extraordinaire, Robin Brock, sent me huge and equally delightful list of “Some of my more recent loves (that definitely deserve a re-read)”. Take a deep breath, then dive in:

ALL of the historical mystery series: Lady Darby  by Anna Lee Huber

ALL of the historical mystery series: Sebastian St. Cyr  by C.S. Harris (warning: there are 16 books in this series. Oh , who am I kidding? This isn’t a warning but a horn toot that All. Those. Books. Await. You).

ALL of the historical mystery series: Verity Kent by Anna Lee Huber. I can see Anna and I are going to become good friends.

ALL of the historical mystery series: Amory Ames by Ashley Weaver.

ALL of the urban fantasy series: Kate Daniels by Ilona Andrews and Mercy Thompson by Patricia Briggs. Full disclosure: I love Ilona Andrews—both the books and the couple (Ilona and Gordon) who write them. And double bonus: Ilona knits, so she is uber cool.

ALL of the historical mystery series: Lady Sherlock by Sherry Thomas. If you are a regular Five Things reader, you already know I love Sherry’s take on Sherlock Holmes. And Sherry. She’s a delight.

ALL of the historical mystery series: Veronica Speedwell by Deanna Raybourn. Once again, ditto. And I just realized I haven’t read the latest. Excuse me, I need to go order a book….

ALL of the historical mystery series: Wrexford & Sloane by Andrea Penrose. I actually have the first one on my TBR, because Regency AND Mystery. That’s like peanut butter and jam. Murder on Black Swan Lane is now moved up the queue.

Goodness, Robin, when do you sleep? And this isn’t even half of what she sent me. I’ll share the other half once you have a chance to get these all read. Would next week be okay? LOL!

As it is, I’ll keep sharing the lists of books you all sent in over the next few months. Yes, months.


We need a break from reading and something nummy to eat, right? Well, if you were in Seattle over the past week or so, there was no cooking being done. It was all about salads and cold foods. When you don’t have AC, the last thing you want to do on the third day of 100+ heat is turn on your oven. (Or your dishwasher or the dryer . . . )

So how about this:

Strawberry Spinach Salad. Which I ate every day. I’ve fed this to friends, my mom, the boys. It is that delish. I think the candied pecans are the secret weapon. But it is just so good. It is now in the rotation and should not be missed.

Photo credit: Cooking Classy


During the hot spell here in Seattle, I decamped to the basement, where it was only 85 degrees and binge watched, Shadow and Bone. I have not read the books, so I have to imagine I might have gotten more from the show if I had read them, or probably (as is usually the case) been annoyed at what was different or wrong. Do you do that?

Then again, I kept rooting for the Darkling, so clearly my priorities were a little skewed. But he is rather hunky. And he could be a hero. He could be, with the right heroine.

Near hero/evil villain aside, I enjoyed it—once I got the hang of all the story lines and the fast moving plot and all the characters—and look forward to Season Two on Netflix.


Recently I was in Chicago for a family wedding and got a chance to catch up with my dear friend, Sonali Dev. Her bright smile and thoughtful ways always make my day. And after all this time apart from friends, having coffee together was such a joy. (Thank you, everyone who brought us vaccinations)

And so I wanted to bring that joy back to share with all of you. I had ordered from my favorite local indie, Three Tree Books, copies of her first two Jane Austenesque stories, Pride, Prejudice and Other Flavors and Recipe for Persuasion, and asked Sonali to autograph them.

And now here is where you come in. If you want a chance win one of these autographed set of these books, send me your mailing address to I’ll pull two names from the hat next Thursday.

And since we’ve been talking a lot about series today, (did you READ Two?) the third book in Sonali’s series, Incense and Sensibility will be out on July 6th. I’m clearly out to break your TBR this week.

(Me on a very hot day in June in Chicago. I won’t even show you what I looked like when it got to 108 here in Seattle.)


  1. Nancy Heller

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for all the delicious books, authors, and series to explore. I have made my list!
    The spinach strawberry salad is on the menu for tonight!
    I so look forward to your newsletter.

  2. Karen H

    I love the C S Harris series as well as the Below Stairs mystery series by Jennifer Ashley. Both are my favorites. The Wexford Sloane mystery series is pretty good too.

    I recently (like yesterday) discovered a series on Paramount+ titled Why Women Kill. It’s billed as a dramady and it’s great. Well worth watching. It is available on Amazon Prime Video for a fee. Check it out. You will love it.

    Happy 4th of July. Stay safe, stay cool.



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