News & Newsworthy

Adventures & Travel

My Favorite Pic From the Conference

I always come back with conference with my mind filled with wonderful vignettes of memories. Because to me conference is always so fragmented—you run into old friends here and there, unexpected meetings, new friends, off to a workshop, dinner, lunch, last minute...

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A Little Side Trip

Thanks for all the comments while I was gone... Yes, I snuck off for a few days at the beach. Where it was supposed to be warm and sunny, but in typical Oregon Coast fashion was gray and windy. But that only left me with more time to read and knit, so I was perfectly...

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Conference Tip # 373

Pack light. Why, you ask? Free books. Tons of free books. And goodies. And other tokens. Make sure you have either a large tote bag you can fold flat and tuck in your suitcase, or do my trick: the suitcase inside the suitcase. Yes, you see that correctly. I pack the...

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Two weeks???

I'm off to conference in less than two weeks and I'm completely unprepared. I haven't done any of the essentials (that is if you believe all the conference chatter going around) that go into conference preparation: primarily shopping for an entire new wardrobe. You...

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