I'm blogging all over these next few days. I suppose I'm the girl who can't say no when someone asks me to blog. So stop by: Tote Bags 'n' Blogs for my take on When a Cover Works Romantic Inks for the next three days blogging on Writing Contests (Today), Developing...
Around the Web
Travel the World with Diane
This week I've asked my dear friend, Diane O'Neal to blog about her life and experiences. She's a regular reader here and posts quite often, so you might "know" her, but since she lives, what I humbly think of, a most extraordinary life, I wanted all of you to get to...
I'm on Romance Novel TV!
When I was at the New Jersey conference in October, I was invited to sit down with Sophia Nash and be interviewed for Romance Novel TV. How fun is that! I'd been dying to do one of those interviews, but after they asked me and I enthusiastically said yes, then came...
Chat with Me — Tuesday Nite
I'll be filling my chair here, and settling in this Tuesday night (11/6) at 9 pm Eastern time to chat live with anyone who wants to drop by Coffee Time Romance with questions, comments, or if you just want to eavesdrop, that's allowed as well. I'll be joined by my...
Levenger, thy name is Temptress
Oh, yeah. Be warned, ye who is tempted by stationery stores, fancy pens and other writing doodads. This is writer crack. Worse than Godiva. When this comes out of the mailbox, my Visa groans. And why wouldn't it when it holds little wonders like this: And who wouldn't...