News & Newsworthy

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Five Things for Friday

Just in time for the weekend—Five Things. Enjoy! One First of all, thank you to each and every one of you who email me with your ideas and kind words—I so appreciate hearing from you. And last week, Robin B. emailed me about one of her favorite Etsy vendors,...

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Five Things for Friday

I've notified the winners of last week's drawing for an audiobook. Thank you to everyone who entered. And now onto this week's list. One My mom belongs to the Quilter's Anonymous quilt group here in Seattle and every year they have a very lovely quilt show. One year...

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Five Things for Friday

One Do you like rooting for the little guy? Here is the video for you. In Penguin v. the Orcas, our hero is a plunky little penguin who finds itself being chased all over by a band of orcas, and finds a way to escape that is a delight. Enjoy. Two When new shows...

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Five Things for Friday

Into December we joyfully proceed. Yes, I am still on last week's Joy celebration. That doesn't mean I don't have a new word for all of us to celebrate. First off, thank you to so many of you who wrote to me to share your lists of Joy. They brought tears to my eyes...

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Five Things for Friday

Opening one eye after a day of baking, roasting, rolling, snapping, mashing and stirring to offer a better-late-than-never wish of a happy Friday wherever you are. Goodness, I love Thanksgiving. Even pared down pandemic Thanksgiving. Throw together a turkey sandwich...

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Five Things for Friday

So this week has been one of time to write. A bit of baking. And that quiet sense of waiting that happens just before the rush of the holidays begins next week. I like to dip my toe into the holidays before it turns into a rush and I have few things this week to ease...

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