News & Newsworthy


Five Things About: Laura Lee Guhrke

The cool part about being an author is that you get to meet lots of other authors. So I thought I would share the fun with all of you and asked a bunch of my author buddies to share something about themselves that you might not know. Here is the first in a series of...

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Twinkle, Twinkle, I'm on Twitter

I've been twittered. Or at least I've dipped my toe in and have given it a try. I feel so . . . connected and a little baffled and a lot overwhelmed by the feeds. Who to follow? What are the rules? What are the social niceties that one must follow so that one does not...

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Back from LA and RT and all those other two initial acronyms that elude me right at the moment. Had this sort of glorious time doing nothing. Well, I wasn't exactly doing nothing—my schedule was packed—but I had that sense of flitting from one thing to...

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Packing Up, Moving Out

The closer a book comes to being released, the more I feel my life speeding up. I start writing faster, I panic faster, I get out of the house more. Which is probably a good thing—because then I can get a chance to see all of you. And in that, let's get outta...

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They are a coming. In the next few months my website will be getting some upgrades and new features. Not giving away anything just yet, but just wanted to make sure you had a bit of a heads up. It's been sort of exciting to go through my current site and look at it...

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Merry Christmas!

Thank you one and all for the wonderful year you have shared with me. From your posts here on this blog, to your friendship on Facebook, to your kind emails that arrive in my inbox like little presents, I find daily reminders about why I love being an author—the...

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