News & Newsworthy


Meet Laura Lee Guhrke

So Laura (or LLG as she is to be known) is up to her eyeballs in a deadline, but I wanted to do an interview with her since she has a great new book out, Secret Desires of a Gentleman.  So instead of bugging her and risking a scud attack from Boise, I decided to just...

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Meet Delilah Marvelle – The New "Mistress of Pleasure"

So this week brings the arrival of a debut author, Delilah Marvelle and her wonderful new book, Mistress of Pleasure. I asked Delilah to drop by and meet all of you, so without any further ado: 1) Delilah, how exciting to see your first book Mistress of Pleasure...

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What Readers Do . . .

Is come out of the woodwork and comment like crazy. Wow! Was I overwhelmed at how many of you took the time to enter my contest. Keep those comments coming because they all count. What also overwhelmed me was that so many of you have said that you can't wait for...

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Isn't She Sweet?!

I've been hankering to get a dog for months now. I had a dear kitty for seventeen years, and she passed away about two years ago. Last winter I started getting the pet bug again, but I ran into two obstacles. The husband and my youngest. The husband objects because he...

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Take The Girls Out For a Little Adventure

Now I know you think I am going to share some wild and crazy thing I did last week, and you would be right. I am going to share. You see I did something many women don't do and should do every year, which is see to their physical well-being. We make sure the kids get...

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Travel the World with Diane

This week I've asked my dear friend, Diane O'Neal to blog about her life and experiences. She's a regular reader here and posts quite often, so you might "know" her, but since she lives, what I humbly think of, a most extraordinary life, I wanted all of you to get to...

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