News & Newsworthy

TV, Movies, & Good Reads

Five Things for Friday

Into December we joyfully proceed. Yes, I am still on last week's Joy celebration. That doesn't mean I don't have a new word for all of us to celebrate. First off, thank you to so many of you who wrote to me to share your lists of Joy. They brought tears to my eyes...

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Five Things for Friday

So this week has been one of time to write. A bit of baking. And that quiet sense of waiting that happens just before the rush of the holidays begins next week. I like to dip my toe into the holidays before it turns into a rush and I have few things this week to ease...

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Five Things for Friday

Welcome to Friday. Hope your week has been a calm spot in all the currents of our world. My mother is in lockdown at her assisted living (again) and Thanksgiving is off the table. Well, it will be on the table, just not the table with all the leaves and the card...

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Five Things for Friday

Don't we all need some wonderful things to curl into right now? Call it distractions, call it self-care, call it soothing, but I am all about finding the things that make me feel contentedly at home. Books, baking, and a few shows to binge while knitting. Join me...

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Five Things for Friday

Yikes! I've been "gone" for the last two weeks "at" conferences. All at home and on Zoom, as one does these days, but that doesn't mean I had a minute to spare. Because, as every woman juggling home, family and life right now knows, being home just complicates it all....

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Five Things for Friday

I am in a mad dash currently. I am speaking at two writers conferences in the next two weeks, so I am up to my neck in preparing workshops, figuring out how to present them online, and learning all the bells and whistles of Zoom. As. We. All. Are. So I shall just get...

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