News & Newsworthy

History Tidbits . . . Captain Slash

Captain Slash, the infamous highwayman of Northampton, died this day in 1826. He'd been terrorizing vendors at a horse fair in Boughton when he was apprehended and subsequently hung. To get the better of his mother, who had predicted "he would die with his boots on",...

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Next Question: How Are You Going to Change Them?

When you start a book there are two things that are going to happen. You have a story to tell and two people to live with for the next 6-9 months. Two people that you have to like, then you have to turn their lives upside down, torture them a bit and then finally give...

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Levenger, thy name is Temptress

Oh, yeah. Be warned, ye who is tempted by stationery stores, fancy pens and other writing doodads. This is writer crack. Worse than Godiva. When this comes out of the mailbox, my Visa groans. And why wouldn't it when it holds little wonders like this: And who wouldn't...

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Let's Get This Party Started

Yesterday I started the new book. Of course I made my latte first. Two shots of espresso and steamed nonfat milk go a long way toward getting the muse rolling. Then I grabbed the composition book I've been jotting notes in for months, my favorite pencil and a red pen,...

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Come on, let's all get happy!

My friend Christina had this tag on her blog for a song that always makes us happy whenever we hear it. And because happiness should always be shared, I tag anyone else who wants to play! These are the rules: 1. Post about the one song that makes your heart sing, and...

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Oh, What Was I Thinking??

So between books, I had this very good plan. Clean out my office—I mean clean it—files, books, old papers, old manuscripts, notes, office supplies—well you get the point. And then once I had streamlined the operation, I would move the kids out of...

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