Time spent organizing a project before you sit down to write is always time well spent. Here are some ideas to incorporate into your writing routine: 1) Organize the chapters of your novel into individual sections in a notebook and keep it on your desktop, so it is...
News & Newsworthy
5 Things with Sabrina Jeffries
New York Times bestselling author Sabrina Jeffries is visiting today, to play our Five Questions game. Her reworked Deborah Martin novel Silver Deceptions hits stores today, and the cover is just gorgeous! Welcome to the blog, Sabrina... 1) Did you have a nickname...
5 Things with Erica Monroe
USA Today bestselling historical romance author Erica Monroe is here on the blog today! She writes dark, action-packed romances that take readers to the back alleys and dark street corners of Regency England. She's here to share with us five things we probably don't...
5 Things with Theresa Romain
Historical romance author Theresa Romain has joined us today to answer five questions about herself, and her stories, that you probably don't know. Her newest novel, Secrets of a Scandalous Heiress, debuts on January 6th, and her holiday story, A Season for Desire, is...
5 Things with Cristi Caldwell
USA Today bestselling author Christi Caldwell is here today to tell us five things about herself we probably don't know. Christi published her first Regency romance just a few years ago, and they have quickly gained in popularity. Her most recent release is For Love...
Five Things About Megan Mulry
Today I welcome Megan Mulry to the blog! Megan is a USA Today bestselling author of both contemporary and historical romance, her newest book Roulette just out a few weeks ago. She's come to share with us five things you probably don't know about her... 1) What’s the...