News & Newsworthy

In the Throes

I am in the throes of finishing my book, so I haven't been blogging as much as I like. I've got a great list of blogs I plan on doing this summer--behind the scenes looks at my previous books, spilling hints about upcoming projects, but right now, I have only one...

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Along Came An Audio Book

Over the years, people have asked and asked for audio versions of my books. And I have had to answer with a sigh of longing and say, "Sorry, they haven't done audio versions yet." No more. Finally, I have an audio book! Along Came a Duke, the audio version, is now...

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Weaving Series

Someone in Dallas this weekend asked me if when I started a new series, such as Rhymes with Love, am I tempted to bring in old characters from my other series. The answer: Boy, am I ever! Old, familiar characters are what makes writing a series fun. Anyone who has...

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Along Came a Bestseller

First and foremost, I would not be able to celebrate this moment without all of you who went out and grabbed a copy of Along Came a Duke--you are why it is a New York Times and USA Today bestseller this week. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! What has been so much fun...

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Along Comes 19

Nineteen seems to be the number of the day. My 19th book, Along Came a Duke, comes out. It is also my 19th wedding anniversary. How's that for chance? I think of all that has passed in the last 19 years and it feels like such a long time. Getting married. Buying a...

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Five Things About Pamela Palmer

I recently met Pamela Palmer in person at the Washington Romance Writers Conference--she had emailed me a few weeks before the conference as a welcome to WRW and offered her help navigating a new conference--I was so touched by how nice she was to offer, and soon...

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