If I were to describe my friend Gayle, I would say "she's good people." The sort of person you would never vote off the island. Funny, smart and down to earth, she's someone that the more I get to know her, the more I discover we have in common! I hope you find some...
News & Newsworthy
What's an Author to do . . .
Well, get her book done. Right now I am in the home stretch of finishing a book and there is chorus going round the house right now is "When my book is done—". I don't think I can compose the strident tone or the aggravated, please don't bother me AGAIN notes...
Five Things About Blythe Gifford
I met Blythe a little over a year ago at the RomCon conference and found her a delightful authorly companion to share a table with. And then I read her book and loved it, so it was only natural that I would want to share that table with all of you and let you get to...
Shout Out
I am going to make this announcement short and sweet, because I am in the home stretch of finishing up Along Came a Duke and don't want to dally around the issue. So here it is: Last week's blog winner is: PhyllisC, commenter #29, who also tweeted as MamaCrab01....
Five Things about Liza Palmer
Cool and hip are the best ways to describe Liza Palmer. And funny. Good gracious, this woman is funny. Depends sort of funny. But most of all, I just love her honesty. It is such a breath of fresh air. Minus the blue cheese. Without further ado, my friend, Liza...
The Questions Behind 5 Things
For the past four months, I've been devoting my Thursday blogs to asking some of my favorite authors and good friends to give up five things about themselves that you might not know. I thought it would be a fun and unique way to introduce new authors to all of you....