Here we go again! Another week and another Friday. And I am in a whirlwind. I start off on a big adventure tomorrow—I'm helping my college son move back to Chicago. We will be driving from Seattle to Chicago, via Butte, Montana, Casper, Wyoming, and Lincoln, Nebraska,...
News & Newsworthy
Five Things for Friday
Hello my dear friends! This has been a hard week. In the ways that just shake you. More on that later. Instead, let's first share some things to make your weekend a little more special, adventurous and sweet. One What to read? Why not try an oldy but a goody. The...
Five Things for Friday
It's Friday! Hurrah. We made it through another week. I hope your days have been bright and you have a weekend ahead full of things that make you smile. Here are five things that have me grinning. One Mark your calendars: The Australian Romance Readers are putting on...
Five Things for Friday
Summer has finally arrived in Seattle. We never call it summer here until well after the 4th of July. But this week has been lovely and warm. And I keep hoping to catch sight of the Comet Neowise. I know, always with my to do list. Also, some of you emailed me about...
Five Things for Friday
Yikes! I absolutely forgot to send anything out last week. But in my defense, I had picked 50 lbs of strawberries and was, well, rather up to my ears in making jam. We now have all the jam. And strawberry preserves. Syrup. And sauce. LOL. So that leads to me the first...
Summer Romance Bingo
I love the Ripped Bodice's annual Summer Romance Bingo! What a fun way to find new titles and authors and just, well, READ. But I also love adding to people's squares and TBRs, so might I suggest if you are looking for ways to fill the following squares, I've got you...