I was on vacation recently and took a stack of books with me. As one does. My husband always cringes and asks, "How much room do you need for the books?" My answer is always the same, "Enough for all of them." He's a patient man. First Things First Before we even got...
Brazen Angel is Free
As of this post, you will find the ebook of Brazen Angel free. Everywhere. Took some doing, but given that this is Brazen Angel's 20th anniversary, I thought it would be fun to give back some love. After all this book, and all of you, started all of this. The cool...
Keeping Up, Finding New Books
I have a terrible time keeping up with my favorite authors. I read all over the board, romance (of course!), historical mysteries, Game of Thrones-esque fantasy (Have I told you about the series by Anthony Ryan, BTW? Start with Blood Song! So good!), also paranormal ....
5 Things with Heather McCollum
Today Heather McCollum, author of sweeping, magical Scottish historical romances, is visiting the blog. The answers to her "Five Questions" are fantastic! Welcome, Heather... Thank you so much for having me here today! What a fun way to learn about those of us behind...
5 Things with Rose Lerner
Today Rose Lerner has dropped by to share some interesting tidbits about herself with us. Rose is the author of several Regency romances. Her latest is True Pretenses, just out on the 13th, in which a philanthropist heiress agrees to marry a Jewish con artist to get...
5 Things with Deb Marlowe
USA bestselling Regency Romance author Deb Marlowe is here today. Welcome to the blog, Deb, and thanks for answering these five questions... 1) Do you celebrate when you finish a book and what you do? I know this is going to sound weird, but the first thing I do when...