News & Newsworthy


Have You Met, Avon Addict Lisa Lin?

Lisa is everything an Avon Addict needs to be: crazy wild over romance. Plus, she's willing to get out there and really prove her love, as evidenced by her grand display at the 2013 RWA Literacy signing. She's a bundle of wonderful energy and one of my favorite people...

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5 Things About Melissa McClone

I am so thrilled to have my dear friend, Melissa McClone on the blog today. Melissa and I had our kids like one after another, have traded mom advice through it all, and relied on each other as sounding boards when things got (and still do get) crazy. We walk a very...

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5 Things About: Elizabeth Boyle

I used to do these Tuesday 5 Things interviews all the time, but got out of practice. My bad! But because so many of you have asked me to continue doing them, I'm gathering them in as I write this. In the past we found out 5 Things about some of my favorite friends...

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