In my recent workshop, The Character Arc, for Women Writing the West and the Surrey International Writer's Conference, I referenced several books and a blog post/video that I would encourage everyone to check out. Books: Build Better Characters by Eileen Cook Writing...
Friday Reads: YA Series
This week I've been reading books from two different series. What is it about a good series that keeps you coming back for MORE? I think it is great characters (of course) and sometimes it's just the sheer joy of being in that story world again. And with some series,...
Wyoming Wednesday: Charmed by a House
This house, the Parkison House, at the Grand Encampment Museum absolutely steals my heart. I am utterly in love with it and the way it invites me to come inside, teased its way into my heart and just begs me to tell my story here. Inside these walls. And in my own...
Why Wyoming?
Since I am getting this question a lot lately, I've decided to start talking about what I'm working on—since it is not a romance. Not per se. It is more of a historical fiction. And a quirky one at that. The story is set at the turn of the century (1907, thereabout)...
Who Said It Answered
So who said the following? “A few minutes ago you couldn’t wait to leave and now you want to stay?” “That was before I killed a man,” she offered, coming up with the only excuse she could other than the truth. “You didn’t kill anyone. You only winged him.” “Are you...
Who Said It: Challenge Accepted
You all know my books too well, so I'm digging in and hoping this one is a stumper. So Who Said It? “A few minutes ago you couldn’t wait to leave and now you want to stay?” “That was before I killed a man,” she offered, coming up with the only excuse she could other...