News & Newsworthy

Favorite Books

Another Round of Who Said It?

This one is probably pretty easy for you diehard fans, but I just love these lines. So, Who Said It? “You lied,” she said, going toe-to-toe with the man before her. “You told me he still loved me, wanted me.” She glanced over her shoulder and shuddered at the sight of...

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Who Said It?

I feel like this week I have to up my game, because you guys are rocking this #ThrowbackThursday challenge. I've dug deep this week and now it is up to you to figure out: Who Said It? "Have you any idea of the danger you could find here? Of the nature of men?” She...

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So, Who Said It?

Continuing my #ThrowbackThursday challenge, I've pulled another line or two out of one of my books, and now I'm asking you: Who Said It? "I disagree," she said, drawing shocked looks from nearly everyone at the table. "My father was afraid of the company one finds in...

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And the Answer Is . . .

So who said the following: "What will the neighbors think if you toss me out into the streets in the middle of the night?" She shook at his grasp. "I won't go quietly." Well, it had to be that illustrious con artist disguised as the baron's fictional wife, Emmaline...

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Stealing the Bride

Countdown to 20 I failed to mention in my last post, (about my 3rd Avon Romance, One Night of Passion) that one of my favorite heroes of all time came to life while writing Colin and Georgie's story. And if you've read these books you know I am talking about Temple....

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TBT: Love Letters from a Duke

People always say this is one of their favorites—with Felicity Langley being one of my most beloved heroines. Yet her story would not have been told without some help. So on this Throwback Thursday, let me introduce you to some of the books that helped me write Love...

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