USA Today bestselling author Christi Caldwell is here today to tell us five things about herself we probably don't know. Christi published her first Regency romance just a few years ago, and they have quickly gained in popularity. Her most recent release is For Love...
Five Things About Megan Mulry
Today I welcome Megan Mulry to the blog! Megan is a USA Today bestselling author of both contemporary and historical romance, her newest book Roulette just out a few weeks ago. She's come to share with us five things you probably don't know about her... 1) What’s the...
5 Things with Katharine Ashe
Katharine Ashe is the award winning author of adventurous, bestselling Regency romances from Avon! But her newest novella, in the anthology At the Billionaire's Wedding, is a romp in contemporary romance. Here, she shares with us five things you probably didn't know...
TBT: No Marriage of Convenience
This book, No Marriage of Convenience, was originally slated as the follow-up to Brazen Angel, and was to be the story of Emma’s illegitimate daughter, Riley. However, my Dell editor at the time passed on the idea and wanted me to write Brazen Heiress instead. When...
Have You Met, Avon Addict Lisa Lin?
Lisa is everything an Avon Addict needs to be: crazy wild over romance. Plus, she's willing to get out there and really prove her love, as evidenced by her grand display at the 2013 RWA Literacy signing. She's a bundle of wonderful energy and one of my favorite people...
5 Things About Melissa McClone
I am so thrilled to have my dear friend, Melissa McClone on the blog today. Melissa and I had our kids like one after another, have traded mom advice through it all, and relied on each other as sounding boards when things got (and still do get) crazy. We walk a very...