News & Newsworthy

historical romance

12 Places to Find Great Book Deals

Who doesn't like finding new authors and great books? Here's a list of places I like to find great deals on books. Bookbub the be-all-and-end-all of book deal sites.  Besides their daily newlsetter, you can also sign up to follow your favorite authors so that when...

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Brazen Angel is Free

As of this post, you will find the ebook of Brazen Angel free. Everywhere. Took some doing, but given that this is Brazen Angel's 20th anniversary, I thought it would be fun to give back some love. After all this book, and all of you, started all of this. The cool...

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Who Said It Answered

So who said the following? “A few minutes ago you couldn’t wait to leave and now you want to stay?” “That was before I killed a man,” she offered, coming up with the only excuse she could other than the truth. “You didn’t kill anyone. You only winged him.” “Are you...

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Who Said It: Challenge Accepted

You all know my books too well, so I'm digging in and hoping this one is a stumper. So Who Said It? “A few minutes ago you couldn’t wait to leave and now you want to stay?” “That was before I killed a man,” she offered, coming up with the only excuse she could other...

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Who Said It Revealed

Did you guess that it was Lady Hermione Marlowe and her mother, Lady Walbrook, talking in this exchange? "…and now that he is inclined to marry—" "I don’t think the earl has any intention of—" "Of course he intends to marry. He made his bow at Almack’s." Which of...

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Who Said It? Ups the Game

You all have had it way too easy. Time to up the Who Said It? game. “…and now that he is inclined to marry—“ “I don’t think the earl has any intention of—" “Of course he intends to marry. He made his bow at Almack’s.” Which of course every matron in London knew was...

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