I was on vacation recently and took a stack of books with me. As one does. My husband always cringes and asks, "How much room do you need for the books?" My answer is always the same, "Enough for all of them." He's a patient man. First Things First Before we even got...
Win An ARC!
My dear friend, Caroline Linden, emailed with great news—she had two extra Advanced Reading Copies (ARCs) for her upcoming book, My Once and Future Duke, which will be released by Avon Books on February 27th. Best of all? Caroline asked me to give them away to two of...
Reading Roundup
I've been reading like a starving woman lately. Just hungry for good stories. So I thought I would share with you some of the good ones I've stumbled across lately. Guilty Pleasure The Jane Austen Project by Kathleen A. Flynn The Jane Austen Project is, on the...
Brazen Angel is Free
As of this post, you will find the ebook of Brazen Angel free. Everywhere. Took some doing, but given that this is Brazen Angel's 20th anniversary, I thought it would be fun to give back some love. After all this book, and all of you, started all of this. The cool...
Who Said It Answered
So who said the following? “A few minutes ago you couldn’t wait to leave and now you want to stay?” “That was before I killed a man,” she offered, coming up with the only excuse she could other than the truth. “You didn’t kill anyone. You only winged him.” “Are you...
Who Said It: Challenge Accepted
You all know my books too well, so I'm digging in and hoping this one is a stumper. So Who Said It? “A few minutes ago you couldn’t wait to leave and now you want to stay?” “That was before I killed a man,” she offered, coming up with the only excuse she could other...