News & Newsworthy


July Reading Roundup

I've been on a reading binge—anything and everything. As you've probably noticed, I don't read just one type of book, I read all over the place. I always have. And my July reads were no different as evidenced by these four very unique stories. Looking for something...

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Friday Reads: YA Series

This week I've been reading books from two different series. What is it about a good series that keeps you coming back for MORE? I think it is great characters (of course) and sometimes it's just the sheer joy of being in that story world again. And with some series,...

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In my family, we never arrive or leave each other's homes empty handed. If it isn't being used, or you can't use it up, you share it. Sharing is just part of being in my family. Books. Recipes. Food. Magazines. My grandmother was infamous for always having some bit of...

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Friday Reads: Fantasy Finds

Like I said in other posts, I've gotten hooked on fantasy. Not surprising since I loved reading it as a kid and a young adult. Wrinkle in Time. The Hobbit. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Then along came Game of Thrones and I read all those and then discovered...

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