News & Newsworthy


Friday Reads: Novels with Heart

I have not had much time to read lately. Well, that isn't entirely true. I've been reading, but its been piles and piles of research books. Like histories of Chinese laundries in the west. And histories about Wyoming. And women's history books. Immigrant diaries. But...

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Friday Reads: Fantasy Finds

Like I said in other posts, I've gotten hooked on fantasy. Not surprising since I loved reading it as a kid and a young adult. Wrinkle in Time. The Hobbit. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Then along came Game of Thrones and I read all those and then discovered...

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Friday Reads: Historical Mysteries

I love mysteries. But I am particular. Like most of what I like to read I want my mysteries historical. Like that surprises anyone. My favorite historical mystery authors include CJ Sansom, Laura Joh Rowland's Sano Ichiro series, and now . . . an entirely new crop of...

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Friday Reads: Romance & An ARC Giveaway

I was on vacation recently and took a stack of books with me. As one does. My husband always cringes and asks, "How much room do you need for the books?" My answer is always the same, "Enough for all of them." He's a patient man. First Things First Before we even got...

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Win An ARC!

My dear friend, Caroline Linden, emailed with great news—she had two extra Advanced Reading Copies (ARCs) for her upcoming book, My Once and Future Duke, which will be released by Avon Books on February 27th. Best of all? Caroline asked me to give them away to two of...

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Friday Reads: Fantasy

I have this not so secret love affair with Fantasy novels. Of course this is no surprise if you know that the first book I ever set out to write was a medieval. I love a good quest. A battle for the soul of a land. Right and wrong. And so with the passing of Ursula K....

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