News & Newsworthy


5 Things with Erin Knightley

USA Today bestselling author of smart, sassy Regency romances, Erin Knightley, is joining us on the blog today. She's here to reveal five things we probably don't know about her... 1) Did you have a nickname growing up? Believe it or not, my brother used to always...

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Have You Met: Avon Addict Merle

Have you met Avon Addict Merle yet? She's come by today to share five things about herself that we probably don't know! Welcome, Merle... 1) What is the very first romance novel that you read? I'm actually relatively new to romance — I only started reading it a year...

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5 Things with Katharine Ashe

Katharine Ashe is the award winning author of adventurous, bestselling Regency romances from Avon! But her newest novella, in the anthology At the Billionaire's Wedding, is a romp in contemporary romance. Here, she shares with us five things you probably didn't know...

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TBT: No Marriage of Convenience

This book, No Marriage of Convenience, was originally slated as the follow-up to Brazen Angel, and was to be the story of Emma’s illegitimate daughter, Riley. However, my Dell editor at the time passed on the idea and wanted me to write Brazen Heiress instead. When...

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5 Things with Ellie McDonald

Welcome to the blog, Ellie Macdonald, author of The Governess Club series! Here are 5 things you probably didn't know about Ellie: 1) Did you have a nickname growing up? My family called me The Mad Hatter because of my quick temper as a child and it’s also a play on...

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TBT: His Mistress by Morning

Since last week we looked at Tempted by the Night, it only seemed right to take a look back at the book that started that series, His Mistress by Morning. Every book has a different inspiration, that moment when the idea bursts to life in my imagination and I know it...

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