This one is probably pretty easy for you diehard fans, but I just love these lines. So, Who Said It? “You lied,” she said, going toe-to-toe with the man before her. “You told me he still loved me, wanted me.” She glanced over her shoulder and shuddered at the sight of...
Romance novels
Answer to Yesterday’s “Who Said It?”
So who said the following: “Have you any idea of the danger you could find here? Of the nature of men?” She plucked herself free. "I'm well aware of the nature of men. I wouldn't be here if I wasn't." As much as it sounds like Roselie Stratton from Six Impossible...
Who Said It?
I feel like this week I have to up my game, because you guys are rocking this #ThrowbackThursday challenge. I've dug deep this week and now it is up to you to figure out: Who Said It? "Have you any idea of the danger you could find here? Of the nature of men?” She...
So, Who Said It?
Continuing my #ThrowbackThursday challenge, I've pulled another line or two out of one of my books, and now I'm asking you: Who Said It? "I disagree," she said, drawing shocked looks from nearly everyone at the table. "My father was afraid of the company one finds in...
Who Said It?
Just to give #ThrowbackThursday a different twist, I thought I might play a game I'm calling "Who Said It?" Pulling a line or two out of one of my books, I'm going to see just how well you know my stories... So, Who Said It? "What will the neighbors think if you toss...
Newsletter Winners
And the contest winners from my April 25th newsletter are: Grand Prize Kindle Fire: psmhopkins@ 1st Runner Up $25 Amazon gift card: fictionalgypsy@ 2nd Runner Up $25 Amazon gift card: sheryll1974@ 3rd Runner Up $25 Amazon gift card: moon_princess@ Thank you, one and...