News & Newsworthy


Your Best Writer’s Conference

Why are you going to a conference? If the first thought that pops into your head is "to sell my book" then you are going for the wrong reason. At least IMHO. I think I'm the only person I know who has ever sold a book at conference. Oh, and Gerri Russell with the...

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Rock Your Pitch

When going to a writers conference, you need to pack more than comfortable shoes. You need to pack your best pitch. Because when you get that face to face with an editor, you want to rock your pitch. Here's how to put your pitch together with all the right elements,...

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Wyoming Wednesday: Charmed by a House

This house, the Parkison House, at the Grand Encampment Museum absolutely steals my heart. I am utterly in love with it and the way it invites me to come inside, teased its way into my heart and just begs me to tell my story here. Inside these walls. And in my own...

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Why Wyoming?

Since I am getting this question a lot lately, I've decided to start talking about what I'm working on—since it is not a romance. Not per se. It is more of a historical fiction. And a quirky one at that. The story is set at the turn of the century (1907, thereabout)...

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The “M” Word

One of the most overlooked parts in romance novels is the M word: Marriage. We write and write about the parts that lead up to that commitment, but how often do books look at what happens after the "I do" except in romances that are slated as "Marriages of...

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Rhymes with Love: The Series

Counting Down to 20 So when I got to this point in my writing, I decided I wanted to write about a collection of spinsters from a small village who had no hope of ever getting married. They weren't great beauties, they weren't fabulously rich, or well-connected. Just...

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