News & Newsworthy

writing fiction

The Standon Widows

Countdown to 20 Sometimes books just belong together, and these three, HOW I MET MY COUNTESS #13, MAD ABOUT THE DUKE #14, LORD LANGLEY IS BACK IN TOWN #15, isn't so much three separate stories but one large bit of inspiration, connected by a web of links to so many of...

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5 Things with Heather McCollum

Today Heather McCollum, author of sweeping, magical Scottish historical romances, is visiting the blog. The answers to her "Five Questions" are fantastic! Welcome, Heather... Thank you so much for having me here today! What a fun way to learn about those of us behind...

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Five Things with Julie Johnstone

USA Today Bestselling Regency Romance author Julie Johnstone is here today, with a "Five Questions" post! Her next book, My Seductive Innocent, goes on pre-order this Thursday. Welcome to the blog, Julie... 1) Did you have a nickname growing up? Gosh yes! They called...

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5 Things with Nicola Davidson

Today Nicola Davidson, author of both Regency and Tudor era romances, is visiting us all the way from New Zealand! Welcome to the blog, Nicola, and thanks for sharing some fun facts with us... 1) Did you have a nickname growing up? My father always called me Shorty,...

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Five Things with Olivia Kelly

Today bestselling Regency romance author Olivia Kelly has come to visit us, and let us in on five things we probably don't know about her. Welcome, Olivia! 1) What is the very first romance novel that you read? Nora Robert's Montana Sky. Well, that was the first...

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5 Things with Rose Lerner

Today Rose Lerner has dropped by to share some interesting tidbits about herself with us. Rose is the author of several Regency romances. Her latest is True Pretenses, just out on the 13th, in which a philanthropist heiress agrees to marry a Jewish con artist to get...

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