Favorite Books – Your Choice

Sep 3, 2009 | Good News, TV, Movies, & Good Reads

emmalineI got an email this morning from a friend that I was up on the AAR Blog about their recent reader poll and that I HAD TO GO LOOK. She knows me too well, I don’t visit review sites, so the caps were her way of saying, “Get your butt over there and look.”  Yes, yes, Chris, I went and looked. Happy?

Well apparently they do reader’s polls, and they had adjusted my rankings. I have rankings? I never knew. Again, I am hopelessly out of the loop on review sites. I spend too much time on knitting blogs, or just yarn oogling and pattern stalking over on Ravelry (which for you muggles, is Facebook for knitters and crocheters) to then spend time reading reviews and get my work done. Priorities, you know? And a good merino is hard to resist. But I digress . . .

I’ve never been much for reviews of any kind, online or in print. I have an unholy disdain of spoilers, that and when a review is particularly scathing or just mean, I hear my Grandmother’s voice plain as day echoing in my head, “If you can’t say something nice . . . ” So then not only do I worry about the poor recipient of this wrath, but also the reviewer. Yes, the reviewer. Okay, more for me. I don’t want to be on the same bus with them when their dogma finally catches up with their karma, and the bus goes careening over an embankment in some sort of cosmic payback.

So I read the authors I know I like, take a chance on new books, movies and magazines when they catch my eye, share the ones I like and quietly ignore the ones I didn’t. I query friends about what they are reading and hunt down their favorites. Old school, I know, but it works for me and I think it works that way for most readers.

But for the sake of friendship, I clicked over to the blog—well, she also sent the link—and discovered that you all love Something About Emmaline above all the others. You know something, that’s one of my favorites as well. My thanks to all the readers who participated in the poll and to AAR for their work in putting this all together.

How do you find new books and authors?


  1. karenne

    thanks for everything

  2. Jamie

    Because of your links, I have found new authors and from them more new authors and from amazon.com even more new authors. Out of those, I have liked about 85% of them. It honestly depends on the first book I read of them. If I like it, I will read more of their books. If I love it, I will definitely buy their books without looking about what they are about. If I don’t enjoy the book, I won’t read them again.

    As I have told you before, you are on the buy without finding out what the book is about. I feel others are thinking the way I am. It is always great when you see people like your stuff. Big Hugs to you and thanks for all the great “keeper” books!

    • Elizabeth

      I know what you mean. Sometimes the first book you pick of someone isn’t the right fit, but other stories might work. It really is sort of exciting to pick up a book and wonder if you are going to find a new fav!

  3. Sarah

    While I enjoyed that book, I do think that my favorite is Tempted by the Night. When do we get the next Marlowe book?

    • Elizabeth

      I don’t know when I will get to do one–I keep hoping. I have to find the right story–not too paranormal for all of you who love a good historical, but magical enough for those of us who love a bit of magic.

  4. terri

    Oh good grief, now I want to go read all your backlist and decide which I liked best, which won’t be a challenge, since they are already all on my keeper shelf. But then, I love each one, as I’m reading it, and see it as it’s own story, not something to compare…

    OK, just realized it’s silly for me to worry about which I think is your best. Let’s just celebrate more and more readers are finding your books, and thrilled there are plenty! Take your time on your next books and travel schedules! Stay healthy and keep writing.

    • Elizabeth

      I’m working on that! Had a bit of bronchitis lately–so once again I am coughing up a lung. I was a bit down about getting sick again, but realized that sort of attitude wouldn’t get me healthy.

  5. Leanne

    I agree with Sarah, I loved Tempted by the Night (though I haven’t read Something about Emmaline yet, I’ve just found you as a favorite author so I’m trying to catch up). I found you on Amazon when I ordered Teresa Medeiros’s Some Like it Wicked and Confessions of a Little Black Gown was a suggested purchase. Boy was that ever a great suggestion. I am eagerly searching for all your titles now. I will confess the love scenes in Love Letters from a Duke were awesome, so were they in Tempted by the Night. I can’t wait until your next release in December.

    • Elizabeth

      Thanks, Leanne!



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