News & Newsworthy

Five Things for Friday

Five Things for Friday

It's been a busy month. I went to Chicago, helped my son move, did a bunch of book research at the Newberry Library and The Chicago History Museum. And then had the great joy of taking the train home. Chicago to Seattle on the Empire Builder. I loved every minute of...

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Five Things for Friday

Five Things for Friday

Yes, I know it has been two months since I dropped by. I've been busy with getting the new book polished up for submission and then I caught Covid. Thankfully I am fully vaxxed and double boosted so it wasn't too bad, but it still knocked me back for two weeks with...

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Five Things for Friday

Five Things for Friday

Let’s talk. I keep getting anxious emails from all of you—am I writing, am I going to have a new book out soon, and why is this taking so long????? All good questions. I want to be honest with all of you because you are my readers, my dear friends, so here is how it...

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Five Things for Friday

Five Things for Friday

Part of me wonders—do I post this sort of trivial list when the world is on the fire?—because I don't want anyone to think I am not scared spitless about the state of things right now. Especially since I've been reading a lot of WW1 history lately and the parallels...

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Five Things for Friday

Five Things for Friday

So last Friday I snuck out and had knee surgery. I tore my meniscus last summer when we were remodeling the house. I've been limping along ever since and it has been painful. It turned out to be more complex than they thought, but it is all fixed and I am doing great....

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Five Things for Friday

Five Things for Friday

It's inevitable, but I am going to repeat myself. I've tried hard not to. I even maintain a list—but the list only works if you update it, which I did last week and discovered I have repeated myself. The Expanse! The Vanished Days! With over 220 Things and counting,...

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