Levenger, thy name is Temptress

Jun 21, 2007 | Around the Web, Elizabeth's Favorites, Writing


Oh, yeah. Be warned, ye who is tempted by stationery stores, fancy pens and other writing doodads. This is writer crack. Worse than Godiva. When this comes out of the mailbox, my Visa groans. And why wouldn’t it when it holds little wonders like this:

And who wouldn’t be enticed by a leather box. But wait, there is more. You plug the box in the wall. Inside is a little power strip where you can plug in all your assorted charging codes and then your cell phone, PDA, iPod, etc, all rest happily atop it while they get their little power fix. Oh, what will these smart folks at Levenger think of next??

But say you don’t want all your charging cords neatly stored (but then again, if you didn’t you probably wouldn’t have read this far, having decided I am completely off my rocker, or medication, or having inhaled just a few too many paint fumes lately) then you would probably just love this:

Hello! It spins.

Yeah, I had you at hello. Can you imagine all your reference books right there beside you and with a simple spin you have your Roget, your dictionary, your Titles and Forms of Address, or London A to Z. Sigh. Why don’t they just set aside a UPS truck for me.

“Yes, hello. My customer number is . . . ”


  1. Haven Rich


    I love stationary and desk type items. Who needs diamonds when I can get a new toy for my desk hehe. You should have seen me when I got my dad’s laptop. Holy crackers I was excited!

    I really enjoy shopping in those type magazines you have up there. Sadly though, its more than my visa crying..more like my husband in tears.

  2. Millie Bullock

    I am a total Levenger-addict. I have the most wonderful book holder from them (a design that they sadly discontinued) and my favorite briefcase came from them too. I also lust after their fountain pens. {{sigh}}

  3. AndreaW

    *blush* Am I the only one who has never heard of them before?

  4. Keira Soleore

    Levenger is fabulous! We’ve bought their lap desk and a few other items. But I’ve been lusting after that rolling bookcase for a while now; just don’t have the courage to justify their cost.

  5. Elizabeth

    I have one of their bags and I love their Storyboard notepads. They are great for blocking out chapters and scenes.

  6. Millie Bullock

    Andrea, it is better not to know about Levengers in the same way it is better to have never met Godiva chocolate. Their prices are too high and their products spoil you for everything else.

  7. AndreaW

    LOL! Thanks Millie. 😉

  8. Keira Soleore

    Oh man, Elizabeth. I SO-SO didn’t need to know that. My credit card jumps out my purse when I’m given information like this.

  9. Shelly S.

    OK, here’s my deep dark secret… I am a stationery sniffer. I LOVE the way those stores SMELL. I also love the way bookstores smell. More than once my husband and friends have caught me sniffing the novel I am reading. I KNOW! It’s crazy, but what addiction isn’t?

  10. Deborah

    Evil, evil woman. This is indeed a torturous device to make us drool and babble incoherently. This is an amazing store that should only be encountered once a year and only under strict supervision.


  11. Terri

    While I never heard of Levenger either, when I go to our office supply store (or section in other stores) I can spend hours with the desk accesories, leather bags, organizers, pens, post-its (get the idea?). I hit every aisle even when I only need paper. It’s my fetish!

    I saved my credit cards by stopping catalogs. The stores take more work and only send their siren songs when I’m in the aisles, not from my table every morning with my coffee. However, when I hit the best seller list….. Levenger, I will remember.

  12. Mad

    My hubby is going to be very upset with me now….thanks Elizabeth! ROFL



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