Okay, just back from vacation and thanks for all the great comments during my internet-deprived trip. We were visiting the MIL and she hasn’t got internet. Well, she does have internet. Dial up. I know. Why didn’t we just go camping? I’m such a DSL snob. I freely and openly admit this. I also light a candle every night to the patron saint of cable to make sure my access never goes awry.
I did get online once at my brother-in-law’s, but only had time to skim my mail and catch a few comments. No time to post and catch up. Now here I am back with my wonderful access, yet staring back at me is all the unpacking to do and a mountain of laundry, so I don’t have much time to blog. Instead, I thought I would share this little question:
Guess what Elizabeth sat next to on the plane?
In all my years of traveling, I’ve sat next to all kinds of people, crying babies, dogs, cats, even a guy in a full Salvation Army uniform holding saxaphone, but I have never sat next to a ____________.
Next up on Friday:
What I sat next to . . .
And Elizabeth goes shopping for a mansion. Like I was visiting the MIL—what else was there to do?
Movie star?
Honey, I go shopping for mansions all the time via Internet..no dial-up in sight either lol.
*gasp* How could anyone survive with dial-up? *shudders* I will admit to being a DSL snob as well. I truly can’t imaging using dial-up anymore.
Can’t wait to find out who you were sitting next to, since we switched to ADSL we have never looked back I don’t think we would cope without the broadand net, I try not to look at mansions too much (envy) I just read about them in the fantastic books that I read.
Have Fun
Well we know what the topic for Friday is, but what about Monday? Yes there’s a reason I’m curious.
No movie stars. Really, on a flight from Detroit to Seattle??? though I did sit next to two kids of a tv star once–on a flight from Detroit to LA.
And Haven, why are you curious about Monday???
Well, I thought I might take a day off. Not just off from the mind-numbing coding of a website I’ve been working on, but a day off from the internet.
However, I don’t want to miss a really great topic, cause you know I’m addicted to your blog haha. You should have like EBBA meetings (Elizabeth Boyle’s Blog Anonymous )or something.
Did you sit next to a dog? Or some other trained animal? Hmmmmm, curious minds want to know. 😉
Welcome back from vacation! 😀
Hmm, I’m going to say…A bird? It’s the “what” that has me wondering, and I over looked on my last guess, which I thought was a “who”.
I’ve never been a bird person, being a die hard cat fan, but these little fellows were really cute and friendly.
And Haven, you might want to check out Monday’s blog. I dish on Julia Quinn.
I once sat next to a man who slept the whole way to Hawaii and he talked in his sleep the whole time. i kept thinking he was asking me something. Really, really hard to ignore that kind of traveler. Oh and he was a good-looking hunk. Too bad, since i am a great conversationalist.
Joye, that sounds hilarious. You should have tucked your name and number in his pocket and told him that you loved your conversation with him and he should call you!
Actually, I always pity the person next to my DH because he snores. Of course, I have a horrible reputation of falling asleep on planes and waking up with my head on the stranger next to me.