Three Things I Am Thankful For

Nov 20, 2007 | This & That

This week always makes me ask myself what am I thankful for—which is probably something we should all be doing every day, but this is the week for blessings and here are mine:

1) My family. All of them. My husband and kids. My mom and dad. My brother and his family. My husband’s family—he’s got all these wonderful siblings and lots of nieces and nephews and they are all really great people. I am thankful I knew all my grandparents, even my great-grandmother, and will carry with me the stories and lessons they shared with me. To me, family is like a great heartbeat that carries life along.

2) My home. I love our house. It isn’t always perfectly ordered, not well decorated, but it is ours. I love the uneven hardwood floors, the view of the Sound from nearly every room in the house, my gardens in all their seasons—even now when nearly everything is dying back, but from my kitchen window I see one rose blooming defiantly against the coming of winter. I love the quilts on the beds because my mother made them, my dishes because they were my grandmother’s, and the cacaphpny of children that surrounds me most days.

3) Writing. I am ever so thankful for this gift I have been given. Every time I get an email, a letter or see one of my books on the shelf, I say a quiet prayer of thanks that this is how I get to spend my life. I am humbled on the days the words tumble out like water from a garden hose, for I know better than to think that such magic, such an incredible well-spring is just my mine and mine alone. I don’t dismiss for a moment that I got to where I am without years of hard work, writing is always a gift in process—to continue owning it, it must be used, polished and practiced, and when the time is right, celebrated.

May your Thanksgiving be filled with such celebrations and overflow with blessings.

So tell the rest of us, what are you thankful for?


  1. Haven Rich

    I’m thankful for life, as I’ve nearly had it taken away a few times. My children, no matter what, they are always the angels in my eyes (even though I know they are often devils hehe). My husband, the man who has been by my side at the very worst of times and still loves me. My parents for always keeping me in check with reality. My brother, who is in Iraq doing his duty for our country. My sister, who always reminds me that sometimes we’ve got to shut-up and listen (trust me, you can’t do anything but listen when on the phone with her). The authors who brighten my days. The RI Ladies who help keep me inspired. And lastly, my writing, for giving me a place to kill off the bad guy :D.

  2. Haven Rich

    Oh duh! Forgot to say Happy Thanksgiving Elizabeth! Hope you and your family have a wonderfully blessed day!

  3. Jamie Beck

    I am thankful for my family and friends. I am also thankful for the internet, because it has brought all of us together. Without it, I may have still discovered your wonderful books, but I wouldn’t have the opportunity to wish you and yours a wonderful day!

    Hope your Thanksgiving was great!

  4. therese

    I’m thankful for all the drama and conflict, love and laughter that surrounds me from my family, friends and fellow writers.

    I’m thankful there have been enough issues in the past that I really appreciate my health and home. I’m thankful that I’ve always had a positive attitude, not matter what life threw at me, even surviving depression.

    I’m thankful for my love of the written word in all forms so I can truly look at all ‘issues’ as research in the journey of living and writing.

    I’m thankful for writers like Elizabeth Boyle and a dozen others, who’ve always delivered on the promise of a great read.



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