Six Questions

Aug 27, 2008 | Around the Web

Maya Rodale asked me her infamous “Six Questions I Always Ask.” See how I fared on her blog.

BTW, what would be your six questions?


  1. samantha quant

    ok, no 6 questions, but I just read TBTN. Wow! I wasn’t expecting THAT!
    It changes everything… So now, a year till Griffin…

  2. Diane O'Neal

    1. Which 4 people would you invite to a dinner party (living or dead)?
    2. What era do you think should have been born in?
    3. At which historical event would you like to be a “fly on the wall”, and see what really happened?
    4. Do you vote? (used when people whine about people in elected positions–you don’t vote, you have no right to complain).
    5. Can you change a tire? Have you?
    6. What is your favorite bookstore?

  3. Emily Cotler

    1. Eleanor of Aquitaine, circa 1160; Elizabeth the first, three years into her reign; Margaret Sanger, at the end of her life; my brother, the poet.

    2. the next one

    3. 1483. What happened to those princes. I do not believe it was in Richard’s best interests to have them killed. I really, really think it was Henry.

    4. Yes. Every year, every primary.

    5. I can, in theory.

    6. The Tattered Cover in Denver, though I have yet to see the new location.

  4. Diane O'Neal

    Thanks for the responses Emily! For me its:

    1. Ben Franklin, David Niven, Shirley MacLaine and Tim Russert (especially now).

    2. During the Richard the Lionhearted and King John eras.

    3. Watch the signing of the Magna Carta, a very influential document. How did King John behave (pissed, whipped?), his lords (deferential, arrogant?).

    4. Yes. For anything I’m involved in be it local or Federal, union or mutual fund board members.

    5. I can, in theory. I’ve been lucky so far.

    6. Murder One in London, near Charring Cross Road (the original store). It had romance and mysteries on the main floor and sci fi/fantasy in the basement. It was great — the only issue was that the cost of the books was twice the US cover price. One of the things I remember most is buying Elizabeth’s first book there and feeling so proud I knew her! I told the clerk that when I went up to the counter. When was it Elizabeth? Between 1994 and 1997 for certain!



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