Meet Laura Lee Guhrke

Oct 6, 2008 | Around the Web, Friends, TV, Movies, & Good Reads, Writing

So Laura (or LLG as she is to be known) is up to her eyeballs in a deadline, but I wanted to do an interview with her since she has a great new book out, Secret Desires of a Gentleman.  So instead of bugging her and risking a scud attack from Boise, I decided to just mine our emails that we send back and forth for dirt on the esteemed and talented Ms. LLG. And besides, I thought you might want to know what authors really talk about when no one else is reading . . . Here it is, the unvarnished truth . . . .

We gossip about those who get the great positions in the stores . . .

Email from EB to LLG:

I thought you would like to see this photo from my trip to Tennessee.  This was at the Barnes & Noble.  Check out the display on this end cap.  Don’t you hate those be-yatches who get the entire endcap . . . oh, wait, who’s the be-yatch now? Don’t tell Quinn that they used her as filler at the bottom.

LLG responds:

Yeah, I used to really hate those be-yatches who hog the endcaps. But you know, I’ve had a serious change of attitude about these things. I’ve become a better person, more tolerant, more understanding… (Imagine me snorting my coffee all over my keyboard as I read this) By the way, you need to send a book to Kim C. for my week eight contest. Did I already email you about that? My brain is so fried from deadline hell, I can’t remember if I did or not.

EB responds:

No you didn’t tell me.  Great, now I have to remember to send in a book.  (BTW, anyone reading this can go over to LLG’s contest page and enter to win a book.)

We stress about titles . . .

Email from LLG to EB:

Oh, Brilliant Title Guru, I need thy help. (She’s sucking up here, but I’m not complaining) You know the premise of my next book. Does anything spring to mind? I am, as usual, stumped. Any “twists that give that historical touch Art can work with” would be very much appreciated.

EB responds:

I love to share great titles with my fellow authors, because I have a plethora of them in my desk drawer. And of course, titles are so easy to come up with.  For you LLG, only my best titles. How about:

The Duke of Viagra
The Duke with an Itch
The Duke who Loved His Sheep Too Much

For whatever reason, LLG didn’t respond to this email. Must have been overcome with gratitude.

We stress about covers:

Email from LLG to EB:

They are kind of dodgy about sending me the art until the lettering’s done. I have no idea why, and the longer they wait to send it, the more scared I get that it’s awful. I’m trying not to make too much of this, but after the Donald hero, I’m a bit paranoid. I wanna see the damn thing.

EB to LLG after she gets her cover and forwards it on to gloat share:

Yeah, I can see why you were stressed.  Doesn’t it suck when you get a freakin’ awesome cover?

So folks, that’s it. The secret emails of authors and my good friend, Laura Lee Guhrke.  Say “hi” to Laura and feel free to ask her anything about her “Girl-Bachelor” series, wake-boarding, or what she’s currently working on.  Well, maybe not her current WIP ’cause she gets a little twitchy during the last 30 days of writing.  So stick to the safe stuff, like her Girl-Bachelor Series, which I must say is great fun to read.  I adored And Then He Kissed Her.  I mean adored it.

Coming up: More on covers on Thursday!


  1. Haven Rich

    Oh my mind is racing with curiosity. What is the story behind the “Donald Hero”?

    Elizabeth, I look forward to seeing a book with the title: The Duke with an Itch. BTW, I nearly fell out of my chair laughing at those.

    Just wanted to mention, I own all the books on that end-cap, with the exception of the bottom row. I can’t see those well enough to know what they are. I do have JQ’s though.

  2. Laura Lee Guhrke

    Haven Rich, the Donald hero came from my last book. I got the original sketch for Wicked Ways of a Duke, and I said, “Oh, lord, he looks like Donald Trump. He has that same fish mouth. My career is over.” Elizabeth patted me on the head, and pointed out that the cover could be a lot worse. The funny part is that several people wrote to me when the book came out, saying they really liked that blue cover. I think Elizabeth made people email me and say that to make me feel better, but she denies it. 😉

  3. Keira Soleore

    LLG, I gushed over on FBook over being able to snap up a copy of your book on Super Tuesday. This week, I’m going to be reading it. Yay, me! See, even the sun has come out in rainy Seattle at this news. You might not appreciate how wonderful that is in your land of Sun and Snow, but the Sun it be thrice welcome here and combine that with an LLG book, that’s three-squared good luck. Yeah!



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