Samantha James's List of Favorite Romantic Movies

Feb 5, 2009 | Around the Web, Friends, TV, Movies, & Good Reads

Samantha James is back today to talk about her all time favorite romantic movies. Pop some corn, settle in and let the debate begin, because here is Samantha’s list:

Elizabeth tells me a lot of her readers here are movie buffs. Well, I am, too. Good movies are like good books; you come back to them again and again because they strike a chord every single time. With that in mind, we thought it would be fun if I shared some of my favorite romantic movies. First off, though, let’s get one out of the way. I won’t list Pride & Prejudice since that’s probably on just about everyone’s list. So here they are, not in any particular order, though I’m (he-he) going to save my very FAVE for last.

Runaway Bride. Julia Roberts and Richard Gere have great chemistry together. They showed it in Pretty Woman and they proved it again in Runaway Bride. Remember what Maggie (Julia) says about snakes when they have car trouble? That scene, with Richard Gere hopping through the field hits my funny bone every time. So does Granny’s line about the one-eyed snake. And Julia’s little speech at the end, when she turns around his proposal to her – the one that starts  with “I guarantee there’ll be tough times . . .” I get all choked up and teary-eyed every time I watch it.

Jerry Maguire. I didn’t expect to like this movie. I’m just not a Tom Cruise fan (sorry, all of you TC fans). But everything in this movie just clicked. Renee Zellwegger is so darn cute. The little guy that played her son is just as cute. Watching Jerry’s about-face is charming and heartwarming, hence it’s place on my list.

Kate and Leopold.  I always like Meg Ryan’s movies. But Hugh Jackman playing a Duke in boots and tight breeches . . . Need I say more?

Unconquered. I’m treading back quite a few years here. I’ve always been a fan of Gary Cooper. Since it’s an older movie, I’ll give you a quick rundown of the plot. GC plays hero Christopher Holden, who buys the freedom of heroine Abby, an indentured servant, from a villainous gunrunner. Said gunrunner then steals her away and sets out into the frontier to sell his guns. GC sets out after her. Abby ends up being captured by Indians, and our hero GC rescues her. See? I was a romantic even then.

Last of the Mohicans.  This is it! Ever and always, my fave romantic movie. Backtracking again, though. Did you know it was a TV series back in the—ahem—the 50s? Lon Chaney, Jr. played Chingachgook. I watched it then, too. But back to the movie with Daniel Day-Lewis and Madeleine Stowe (Nathaniel and Cora) Talk about on-screen chemistry! Wow. There’s the scene where Nathaniel catches Cora’s hand and pulls her around and they’re standing face-to-face. Guns and cannons are exploding all around. They’re close and you can just feel the hunger racing between them. Neither says a word, but you feel their hunger. Then finally – FINALLY – they kiss. Then he’s lifting her up against him. Cora’s breathing, harder and harder.

That’s the sexiest movie scene EVER!!! OMG, it just makes me melt. I have to fan myself every time I watch it. I’m fanning myself right just thinking about it!

These are some of my faves, and I hope you’ll share yours!

EB: Thanks, Samantha for dropping in this week.  Everyone, a big round of applause, will you? And don’t forget to post a comment on this blog and you are entered in this week’s contest. Want a second entry?  Send a friend over to comment. A third chance? Use the social links on the comments page and link this blog to your Facebook, MySpace, or wherever you hang out. Then you’ll be entered three times. A fourth entry? Post on Monday’s blog right below. Send a friend. Use the social links to increase your odds. In all, you can earn six entries into the contest.

And the winner? You’ll get an autographed advance reader’s copy of Bride of a Wicked Scotsman and movie tickets to Regal Cinemas. But don’t forget to get your entries in before midnight Sunday. I’ll be drawing the winner early Monday morning and announcing the lucky reader on Monday’s blog.


  1. Joelle

    Hello, Elizabeth I would have to say that the Last of the Mohican’s and Kate a Leopold are two of my favorites also. I have a ton of English period movies that are in my favorite keepers that in have in my personal collection .I recently started to post on my facebook page my favorite movies to share with everyone. Like Vatel, Oengin, The Mists of Avalon etc. But my all time favorite is Dangerous Beauty that was a beautiful love story…Truly enjoyed visiting your blog . Have a great day !!!

  2. Quilt Lady

    Hi Samatha, I always enjoy Runaway Bride, anything with Richard Gere and Julia Roberts is awesome. Some of my other favorite movies is Dirty Dancing, The Cutting Edge and The Holiday all great movies. Have a great day!

  3. Samantha J.

    I haven’t seen Dangerous Beauty, Joelle, so I googled it. With Rufus Sewell in it, it’ll be a definite must-see!

  4. Samantha J.

    Quilt Lady, Dirty Dancing is one of my daughter’s all-time favorites. She lived in England for several years and had no TV, so she’s watched movies on her computer. She’s seen DD countless times.

    Keep the movies coming, ladies!

  5. Elizabeth

    I have to say I laughed when I saw Samantha’s post including Kate & Leopold on the list. Interesting story: the producer for that movie was looking for another similar project and called my agent about another writer’s book he’d seen reviewed in Publisher’s Weekly. She chatted with him and realized the book he wanted to read wasn’t what he was looking for, but sent him the book anyway and included my book, Something About Emmaline. Well, he adored Emmaline, and it got shopped all around Hollywood. Nothing ever went further than that, but it was a thrill to even think that one of my books could be made into a movie.

  6. Samantha J.

    You’re on the map in Hollywood! How cool is that!!!!

  7. Marie

    Lots of great movies listed already! Here are some of my favorites: Love Actually, The Notebook, Tristan + Isolde and The Lake House.

    And one movie I can’t wait to see is the romantic comedy The Proposal. Love Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds is HOT! 🙂
    Here’s the trailer:

  8. Leslie T.

    I love Never Been Kissed, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, The Parent Trap, The Prince and Me. I love romantic movies even though I recently got dumped and am now a single mom to a wonderful 21 month old boy. I know true love created him and even though I got hurt I wouldn’t change being with his father for anything.

  9. Angela Mitchell

    Wow how exciting. Love it.

  10. Keira Soleore

    My first romantic story that I absolutely loved was My Fair Lady. Pride & Prejudice (the movie) and Scarlet Pimpernel (Anthony Andrews) are always faves. My latest rage is North & South with Richard omghawt Armitage. Two oldie cuties are Princess Bride and Clueless.

    Samantha and Elizbo, I have a question for you: What is it about barely-dressed (OK this part I get), messy long haired (why?) men that makes them alpha and sensitive heroes that we all pant over? Examples: Daniel Day Lewis in LotM and Mel Gibson in BH.

  11. Keira Soleore

    Yep, Facebooked this blog, too.

  12. Samantha James

    Richard Armitage!!!Oh my, but he makes my heart go pitter-patter. I love him in Robin Hood even though he’s a baddie. Lady Marian saw in him that chance for redemption; honestly, that’s why I rooted for the two of then to get together, even though there wasn’t any possibility of that happening. I hated last year’s finale, so I haven’t checked to see if it’s on again this year.

    Keira, LOL. Nicholas Cage in ConAir and Viggo Mortensen in LOTR are two more that fall in that category. I’ve watched them in other movies and didn’t feel that animal magnetism at all.

    My husband has asked me the same thing . He’s totally bewildered by the fact that so many women are drawn to the long-hair and stubbled cheeks of these guys on the screen, and for most of us it’s the same men! It’s that raw, primitive, tough-as-nails presence kindles that melt-to-your-knees feeling. Strength coupled with the awareness that they’ll go to the ends of the earth to have and protect the woman they love.

    Another one, too . . . Sawyer from Lost.

  13. Cheryl C.

    Ahhh…romantic movies. I agree with all your choices. I also liked Ever After, The Goodbye Girl, Never Been Kissed, Sleepless in Seattle, You’ve Got Mail, Sweet Home Alabama, Just Like Heaven, and Notting Hill.

  14. Jane

    My favorites include “The Princess Bride” and “Breakfast At Tiffany’s.”

  15. Keira Soleore

    It’s that raw, primitive, tough-as-nails presence kindles that melt-to-your-knees feeling. Strength coupled with the awareness that they’ll go to the ends of the earth to have and protect the woman they love.

    I’m a puddle. I swear, I am, just thinking of them. It’s when your stomach skips and your heart stutters. Yes, it is that. The long hair and stubble is shorthand for being on the other side of conventional and that means they do everything (er, ahem) differently.

    Interestingly though, if my husband were to grow his hair and not shave for a few days, I’d be the first in line with the clippers in hand. 🙂

  16. Pam P

    Samantha, I loved that scene in Last of the Mohicans, that’s one of my favorite movies. Also, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Casablanca, The Thomas Crown Affair. Sawyer on Lost – oh yeah!

  17. Samantha James

    >Interestingly though, if my husband were to grow >his hair and not shave for a few days, I’d be the >first in line with the clippers in hand.

    Exactly! There would be no looking twice. In fact, there would probably be ICK factor.

    I’m going to have to jot down all of these and put on my Netflix queue.

    Oh, and one more guy for the long-haired “hot” list. The very buff Brad Pitt in Troy, chapped lips and all.

  18. Joelle

    Samantha & Elizabeth if you love Rufus Sewell like I do (hot hot hot LOL) another great flick to check out another all time favorite of mine is Helen of Troy with him in it. In for a movie you need a box of tissue’s near by check out Somewhere in Time with Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymore ( Time Travel), City of Angels with Nicholas Cage and Meg Ryan.(about and Angel in love with a mortal). Tons of movies posted on my facebook site and what the movies are about you can just click on them to find out more about them as both you and Elizabeth are friends listed if ever in the mood to watch a movie and don’t know what this may give you some ideas. Making updates all the time (lol) Have a great night….Joelle

  19. Christine

    Hi, Samantha.

    I love “Kate and Leopold”, I also like
    “Sense and Sensilbilty”, with Hugh Grant, and
    “Just like Heaven”, with Reese Witherspoon.
    Rufus Sewell is in the t.v. show. “Eleventh Hour”

    Samantha: I can’t wait for “Bride of a Wicked
    Scotsman”, to be released.

  20. Barbara Elness

    I love the sweet, romantic comedies – Kate & Leopold is a favorite, Notting Hill as well, love Hugh Grant. One of my favorite old movies is The Quiet Man with John Wayne and Maureen O’Hara. And any movie with Cary Grant in it is an automatic view.

  21. Tracy M.

    One of my favorite movies is “The Love Letter” – it was a Hallmark Hall of Fame movie with Campbell Scott and Jennifer Jason Leigh. It is a great movie and definately worth the time to watch it if you have not seen it. Samantha and Elizabeth – thank you for writing such great books. I enjoy them so much.

  22. Shannon T

    So many great movies already listed but one that is not here is Sliding Doors with Gwyneth Paltrow and John Hannah.

  23. CRP

    I recommend Miracle in the Rain. It’s old but available on DVD at most libraries. It’s so romantic…

  24. CRP

    I lived the Love Letter too!

  25. Jamie

    I am a big Richard Armitage fan, myself. Fell for him in North and South. I can say that there IS a season 3 for BBC’s Robin Hood and Guy is back. In a promo pic I saw he looks like that old comic strip of Prince Valiant. (slight ick factor, but hey, I will overlook it because it IS Richard.)

    As for my favorite movies, I LOVE Emma Thompson’s Sense & Sensibility. I have a thing for Willoughby, even if he is the “bad” boy and Greg Wise plays him perfectly. It kind of makes me feel sorry for Willoughby because he couldn’t marry Marianne. (I am sure that Jane Austen didn’t think of Willoughby in that way).

    I also adore Kate and Leopold. Hugh Jackman is not only handsome, but he is VERY talented. I love his Leopold. I watched Australia for him and my friend, Debbie, and I seem to be in the minority because we enjoyed that film. Can’t wait to see his new Wolverine movie.

    Daniel Day Lewis version of Last of Mohicans is definitely an EPIC! The movie has everything! My sister got a kick out of his line that he gives Madeline Stowe. It has been years since I have seen the movie, but she fell for him hard in that movie, yet unlike me, who watches every movie a favorite actor makes, she didn’t have any follow through.

    Another movie I love to watch over and over again is Disney’s Enchanted. I adore James Marsden. He is so cute as the Prince. I love how they made a little bit of all the Princess type movies and brought them to life.

    I have more favorite movies, but will stop here because I need to give other people a chance to reply. I am sure I speak for others when I say it is hard to choose just a few favorite movies because some movies are movies you watch again and again and never tire of.

  26. Jamie

    Oh Elizabeth, I would have LOVED to see Something about Emmaline on the big screen. Maybe someday we shall see it, huh? That is really something that it had some interest.

  27. Samantha J.

    This week has been a real treat. Makes me want to have a marathon movie week to catch up on all the ones I’ve missed. Thanks, everyone, for sharing your favorites. It would be a kick to have a movie marathon so I can watch the ones I’ve missed.

    Feb. 24 is the big day for Bride of a Wicked Scotsman – it’s release day!

    In March and April, Elizabeth steps back in with back-to-back books, Confessions of a Little Black Gown and Memoirs of a Scandalous Red Dress. What a way to bring in spring!

    Thanks, Elizabeth, for letting me come in to your “home” to chat, not just once but twice!

  28. Chloe

    I love

    Pride and Prejudice with Keira Knightly and Matthew MacFaddyn
    Persuasion with Rupert Penry-Jones
    North and South with Richard Armitage
    Firelight with Sophie Marceau
    Sweet Home Alabama- I just love their bickering!
    And of course Dirty Dancing 🙂

  29. DeniseM

    One of my favs that hasn’t been mentioned is “Return To Me” with Minnie Driver and David Duchovny. Loved that. Then these also make the list: Sense & Sensibility, Ladyhawke, Ever After, Never Been Kissed, 50 First Dates, The Lake House, Kate & Leopold, You’ve Got Mail, and Enchanted. I know I’m probably missing some that I’d kick myself for forgetting, but these are what come to mind. For me, the movie has to have a true HEA or I don’t classify it as a romance, just a drama.

  30. Samantha J.

    It’s so hard to narrow it down when there are so many to choose from (that’s a good thing, though). As I’m reading these, I find myself nodding–and thinking oh, yes, that’s one I should have mentioned. I love that Kate and Leopold keeps cropping up. My list has changed already, though Last of the Mohicans will *always* be on top. I think the test is whether or not you can watch it again and again and love it just as much as the first time.

    I started to mention Rob Roy in Monday’s blog. It’s not the tried ‘n true man-meet-woman romance and we watch the relationship grow on-screen. For many, it probably doesn’t fall into the category of a true romance because we don’t see the love story unfolding on-screen. But it’s one I can watch again and again, one that reveals the enduring power of love.

  31. Oliveria

    LOL so many of the sam movies.

    Priness Bride

    North and South. Love Richard A too. He is also sexy in MI 5.

    Pride and P

    Some Kind of wonderfull.

    Love Actually

  32. Keira Soleore

    Samantha, with Liam Neeson in Rob Roy, the story automatically has a higher bar for a gut-wrenching story. He’s such a superb beta hero, understated but without a doubt a force to be reckoned with.

    And the scene I referred to on Monday? The two of them on the hillside…going from chatting to something else is so easy with the two flippy skirt things.

  33. Lynn Goode

    My favorite is “City of angels” with Nicholas Cage and Meg Ryan. Every time i see it i cry, it is sooo romantic!
    I also love “Pretty woman” and “an officer and a gentlman” yes, i love Richard Gere! =]

  34. therese

    These are all awesome movies. I’ll add:
    “An American President” with Michael Douglas and Annette Bening
    “Everafter” and “Never been Kissed” with Drew Barrymore
    “American Sweethearts” is awesome for all the twists and Billy Crystal!
    “How to Lose a Guy in 10 days”…

  35. Chris

    How about “Out of Africa”? The movie literally takes my breath away. The costumes and Africa are sooo beautiful. Meryl Streep and Robert Redford! Very sad, though. I cry, every time, at the end.

  36. Carol Thompson

    I can’t see any comment about one real old movie but as a classic it still deserves a place on anyone’s list, namely: Gone With The Wind.

    For a more modern classic I would nomibate Ghost with Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore.


  37. Angela

    My favorite romantic movie of all time will always be Gone with the wind! It’s my favorite movie of all time period.
    “Oh, Rhett wherever shall I go? Whatever shall I do?”
    “Frankly, my dear..”
    Well, you know what comes next!



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