I’ve had to cancel and reschedule so many things of late and one of them was the radio interview on Romance Radio with Avon. But I am happy to say that is has been rescheduled for tomorrow, Thursday, May 14 at 2:00 pm eastern. I’ll be chatting about Confessions and Memoirs, as well as talking about what I am working on next. If you can, call in and ask questions or just give it a listen. You never know what I might say!
But just in case you can’t call in, what questions would you like answered?
So, I copied and pasted the majority from a previous entry:
1. Has Dash been drinking all that time (1814 – 1837)?
2. Will we learn more about Pippin’s marriage to Brent in later books?
3. Do John and Molly get a story? Will that be part of the second set of Chronicles?
4. Does Nate get a story – he sounds really cute. and Finn…does he grow up to be his own hero in the future?
5. Does the second set of Chronicles take place in/around 1814 or will it jump to taking place in/around 1837? If it is a time jump, will there be any stories in between that time of Duchess’s successful matches?
6. Most importantly of all, when is the next Marlowe book coming out? I really want to read about Griffin (and I am assuming Mary).
I’ll try to listen, but tomorrow, my niece has control over my laptop and she tends to demand watching Dora on Netflix instant.
Sarah asked some of the questions I would have asked. Can we listen to this if we miss it? I don’t get out of work until a little after 3 pm.
I did advertise this on Face Book, you and I have our ads for it right next to each other on my facebook home page.
Good minds think alike!
I just dropped by and listened seeing as I missed it too. I loved your comparison of the characters lives to a vacation free from the worries of everyday life. Great interview:)
Unfortunately, with a worry free life one will never know how deep and strong their love is. When a couple faces and survives through adversity together, their love is tested and grows stronger.