Haven't Any Words to Spare

Jun 18, 2009 | Writing, Around the Web

Down to the wire putting the finishing touches on a book, but I knew that a number of you (and thank you for your emails) were worried that I’d dropped out of sight again. So no worries, I am good. The fatigue is getting less and less, and I am working every hour I can function (without getting overly tired—that is for my Mom and Dad, just in case they are reading—or my Aunt Sue or my Aunt Dar, either of whom would rat me out in a NY minute) to get this book tidied up and ready to make its all important trip to NY and into my editor’s hot little hands.

In the meantime, I did run across this blog, What’s Your Legacy by Mary-Frances Makichen and thought it was a wonderful piece. So I am sharing it with you and hope you enjoy it as much as I did. And if you want, post your own list and we’ll compare Legacies.


  1. Melissa Mc

    Thanks for the link.

  2. Diane

    Hey. I was so excited. I was walking around the bookstore in Bangkok (prices are better than in Oz) and guess whose books I saw! They had a bunch of “Red Dress” in a stack out in front and more on the shelves, along with “Black Dress” and one other I can’t remember. Made me wish I didn’t have “Red Dress” yet so I could’ve said I bought it in Bangkok. They had a whole lot of romance there — very cool. Great bookstore. Bangkok is HOT and HUMID and while I’ll go there on a vacation, I won’t go there on a posting!

  3. Elizabeth

    Bangkok? Girlfriend, you get around!!

  4. Diane

    I know! It was a pretty good trip — I passed the test for the class I was taking there and got to see some cool sites. I plan to put my pictures of them on my webpage on Sunday. That is likely the last travel I do until I come home for Christmas! It’s so weird that it’s cold here and feels very Thanksgiving, leading to Christmas, but its only June.



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