
Sep 22, 2009 | Elizabeth's Favorites

I really don’t need the calendar to tell me it is Fall. All I have to do is look around. Some of the trees in my neighborhood have already started to turn colors, despite our lingering and lovely summer weather here in Seattle. If you ever decide to visit the Emerald City, consider doing it in September. Mid-September is always lovely—downtown and the sights aren’t crowded with tourists and the weather is just perfect—upper 70s with lovely sunsets over the Olympics.

But it isn’t just the trees who give Fall away. For me it is my asters:

My husband spends all summer shaking his head over me fussing about my asters. Or as he calls them, “those green things that looks like weeds.” Weeds no longer come September, when they give the finest show in the garden. And if the trees and the asters are hints enough that Fall is here, there is one glorious example in my garden. Matthew’s gi-normous pumpkin. It’s turning that rich golden pumpkin color.

Oh, but I almost forgot this picture. Look at how much the bees love the asters. They had a heyday with roses, then the lavender, and now I’ve grown one last hurrah for them to go all abuzz over. Check out this fellow, his leg covered in good stuff and busy getting in his last labors before the weather turns.

Fall is a good time to busy as a bee, isn’t it?  What are you busy doing this Fall?


  1. terri

    My asters look as good as yours! I do love them, even the weed-look all summer.

    This fall I am busy rewriting a novel that’s been on a shelf for a few years. 🙂 It’s been great, did pull it off the shelf each fall, story boarded and edited it, then put it back. Now am rewriting from scratch with a whole different tone, plot points, and some really cool stuff that’s shown the original, which got a “has merit – try the xx line” was only the first glimmer of its potential.

    I hope to have a good chunk rewritten before the EC conference so I have an idea of word count. My writing style is so different now. 🙂 It’s really exciting, can you tell?





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