Meet Emma Wildes

Jan 7, 2010 | Around the Web, Friends, TV, Movies, & Good Reads

EB: Emma, I was thrilled to get to read Lessons from a Scarlet Lady early, so please tell everyone about the book so I can gush some more:

EW: Well, first of all…the main characters are married. I know, I know, usually the romance comes first with the wedding as the end result, but Colton and Brianna have made a fashionable, aristocratic match. Our independent duchess, however, is head over heels in love and doesn’t want her handsome husband to fall into the dilettante habits of the beau monde. He could very well take a mistress, but she is determined to hold his interest. Unfortunately, she has been raised as a proper English lady and has no idea how to go about it all until she stumbles across a copy of the scandalous Lady Rothburg’s Advice in the back of a dusty little bookshop. Written by a courtesan and banned years ago, it isn’t a volume any true lady should own, but she is intrigued and impulsively buys it anyway.

From there, as they say, sparks do fly. As she implements the daring suggestions, her stuffy duke becomes more and more captivated, but also more and more suspicious of how his innocent bride could be suddenly such a the bedroom. Their mutual lack of understanding made for a lot of fun when creating their journey from husband and wife to lovers in the true sense of the word.

EB: Funny story—I took your book on the plane with me, but since it was in manuscript pages it was big and bulky, so I only took half the book. Okay, I wasn’t sure I would like it or not—so I was being cautious. My mistake, because I was halfway between Seattle and Florida and I was through the pages I’d brought and spent the rest of the flight trying to figure out a way to get into the baggage compartment to read the rest. What I loved were the characters—not just the hero and heroine (who were great) but the secondary stories as well. What have you got coming up in the near future so I can plan accordingly?

EW: How nice you are! I’m so glad you enjoyed it. Hmm, next in May is a Scottish trilogy in one volume, Seducing the Highlander. I admit to a weakness for bold, roguish Scots! In September 2010, the first book in the Lords of Notoriety Regency series comes out, My Lord Scandal, followed in October by Our Wicked Mistake, and in November, His Sinful Secret, all from Signet Eclipse.

3) Wow! You put me to shame! And I love that title, Our Wicked Mistake. Sounds like lots of fun. Just to make sure no one else misses all these great reads, where can folks find you on the web?

Keep an eye on me at and I am also on Facebook.




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